Verrat. Grundschwäche



Enthüllung - Bringe Beinverletzung in deiner Bedrohungszone ins Spiel.

Beinverletzung kann geheilt werden, als ob sie 1 Punkt Schaden auf dir wäre (falls sie geheilt wird, lege sie ab).

Erzwungen - Nachdem du eine Bewegen-, Aufgeben- oder Entkommen-Aktion genommen hast: Für den Rest des Zuges kannst du keine Aktion jener Arten nehmen.

Robert Laskey
Am Rande der Welt (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #131.


No faqs yet for this card.


A pretty low potency weakness.

Low movement classes that aren't going to be jumping around the map much anyway like Guardians and Mystics won't really care this is there. Your evasion based rogues or seekers with movement bonuses are going to notice this, but usually just making a simple deck swap (throwing in a painkiller) is enough to get rid of this.

Given that most weaknesses on average make you lose two actions to resolve, this one is pretty weak and is almost trivial.

drjones87 · 194
Most seeker movement bonuses aren't move actions, so aren't even affected by this ^_^ — NarkasisBroon · 10
And then you might as well stay in the Asylum... I agree, though, that some classes have pretty good mitigations. A Guardian with upgraded Safeguard might as well ignore it most of the time. (But an Arm Injury is quite a pain for that gator!) On the other hand, an evasion based character will be more disturbed by that. Evading and Moving are commonly used both in a turn in this case. — Susumu · 372