I am wondering can it cancel Sophie’s direct damage by Mark Hurrigan? Since there is no such constraint that this effect can only be activated once per turn, Mark may have infinite skill value. Do I understand the effect correctly? Or maybe the direct damage from Sophie cannot activate this effect?
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Nele Diel
Am Rande der Welt (Kampagnen-Erweiterung) #177. Etwas regt sich in der Tiefe #7.

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You can, but you won't get + 2 skill value, because taking damage from Sophie is a cost, so when you cancel damage, cost won't be paid, and effect from Sophie won't resolve.
· 17
Compare the rule for canceling. There is written that canceling something the effect is not initiated. This means you don't initiate the payment and therefore can't use the card effect.
· 1
Just to be contrary. While "if you cancel the costs you cancel the effect" is common in ffg rpgs, and could perhaps be inferred from some rulings. It's not written anywhere in the rules or faq. The closest thing is when it comes time to pay the cost if you cannot pay the cost the effect is cancelled. That's in the advanced initiation sequence which is in the faq iirc
· 10
*lcgs not rpgs
· 10
That being said the section on cancelling in the rrg only says that you can cancel effects, so it could easily be argued you can't cancel costs at all, the word cancel doesn't even apply to costs
· 10
You can also argue that the active wording of taking damage is not covered from the pylons description which implies that the damage is dealt
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