

Cost: 0.


Als zusätzliche Kosten, um Den richtigen Moment abwarten zu spielen, gib 1 Aktion aus.

Du darfst während deines nächsten Zuges 2 zusätzlich Aktionen nehmen.

Es ist jetzt halb eins mitten in der Nacht und du beginnst dich langsam zu fragen, ob das alles nur eine Finte war.
Lin Hsiang
Das Fest von Hemlock Vale (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #129.
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I think folks should at least consider this card as Bide Your Time rewards those who know when things are going down next round.

For example of things that "are going down next round" include but are not limited to:

Scary/annoying things: Frozen in Fear, Bloodthirsty Spirits, Lost in the Wilds

Acts that force you to wait till the end of the round(s) to spend clues/advance (often due to it spawning the big bad guy/ or a survival scenario).

I'm a combo rouge about to explode all over assuming I'm not about to die. Borrowed Time, Haste, Quick Thinking, The Red-Gloved Man

I got such amazing cards that I would love a "juiced" turn to let me deal with the pulled encounter cards! Delve Too Deep, Drawn to the Flame

Me a heavy weapons Guardian and me see no enemies :(

Reality: Still a weak card pick in the current era mostly due to the fact that Doom thresholds have been getting tighter and tighter. Additionally another downside is that you will likely be too busy to play this card dealing with tasks that punish you hard for putting them off even by one round.

I think this would have been a bit more interesting if they made it draw a card or gain a resource to give you a small bonus for waiting around. I mean Tempt Fate is a "neutral effect" free cycle card for bless/curse decks....

Edit: Tried to fix links. No idea whats up with it looks fine in the preview but doesn't load when published.

McJames · 14
Just a heads up, most of the links in the review are broken. My advice is change the code around "round" to see if that helps clear things up. In terms of the review itself, I agree that Bide Your Time looks like it could be amazing if it lines up right... but the odds of it lining up right are too low to justify including it a lot of the time, especially if you're not a fighter (and could thus be doing something with the 2 actions you spend to play Bide Your Time). — NightgauntTaxiService · 367
Links are good now. — NightgauntTaxiService · 367