
Ritual. Gesegnet.

Cost: 1. XP: 1.


Schnell. Spiele diese Karte, nachdem während einer Fertigkeitsprobe an deinem Ort Chaosmarker enthüllt worden sind.

Ignoriere den Modifikator jedes während dieser Probe enthüllten -Markers. Füge für jeden ignorierten -Marker einem Gegner an deinem Ort 1 Schaden zu.

Nur der stärkste Geist kann die Dunkelheit vertreiben.
Edgar Sánchez Hidalgo
Das Fest von Hemlock Vale (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #131.
Stern der Morgendämmerung


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Stupidly powerful, low XP, and Neutral. This one here is an instant Curse staple.

The key here that puts Dawn Star and Diabolical Luck above its ilk such as Skeptic or Fey is that you play it after the tokens have been revealed, meaning you can go into a test with this sitting in your hand, knowing you've got the Star to bail you out... or not if you don't need it! Never fear spending your big Skill card to accidentally beat a check by 7 when you pull the . Dawn Star only needs to be used when it will change the outcome.

Of course, Dawn Star also pays you off for hitting curses with inconsistent but testless damage, so there may be situations where you want to stack the odds to make sure you have as cursed a draw as possible. Beyond filling up the bag with , we have some extra tools for this:

Cards that get you a lot of curses at once:

Favor of the Moon is fantastic as always. I like to wait to draw one curse naturally, then use Favor to follow it up so I get at least 2 hits guaranteed.★★★★
Premonition depends on what you seal but a bag-shenanigans deck can always make this one work.★
Olive McBride and her glow-up get you more choice AND an extra token, repeatably.★★★★★
Nkosi Mabati can mill ,, symbols into a for increased density.★★
Unrelenting can also artificially deflate the bag of non- tokens (and draw you some cards!)★★★

While we're here, it's worth mentioning that there are other complementary cards that pay you for revealing a lot of tokens at once.

Other cards that want to reveal as many curses as possible in one go:

Voice of Ra
Armageddon (4)
Eye of Chaos (4)
Rod of Carnamagos (2)
Shroud of Shadows (4)
Gaze of Ouraxsh
Tristan Botley
Henry Wan... but you ain't crazy enough for that... or are you?

The best part, of course, is that there's really no way to lose! As long as there are Curses going around, Dawn Star is going to save your ass, on the cheap, in rich style, with a little cherry on top. Enjoy!

Edit: Note that the lower list of cards cannot all make use of Dawn Star directly since the card specifies it is played after revealing tokens during a skill test (thanks to Valentin1331). They do all play well with a Curse-heavy deck and so likely slot in with the Star.

Hey Mr Asscan, great feedback. Just one thing, in the end you mention a few cards. Unfortunately Dawn Star mentions « during a skill test » so cards like Gaze, Voice of Ra, Henry, or probably the strongest (21 or burst since you can simply decide to not stop when you burst) do not work here. For Rod, we are still waiting for a confirmation. And finsally, how could you review this card without mentioning this mind blowing art?!! — Valentin1331 · 72568
It's also pretty good on Diana for her ability, where even a curse ignored makes that card extremely worthwhile. — mugu · 223
@Valentin1331 concerning the interaction with Rod I'd say theres no modifier to ignore on the rod-fished curses (since they are not pulled in the context of a skill test they have no value and no modifier) so they dont count for the "For each curse ignored" clause. I could be wrong though — drfrigof · 1