It’s unfortunate that much of Nathan’s deck is too niche to be used in anyone other than Nathan. Glory is the shining exception to that rule. Guardians have been absolutely starved of any card draw whatsoever- Seekers have tons, Rogues get it on oversuccess, Mystics have Arcane Initiate, and Survivors get it on failure. While Glory wont be enough to carry the class on its own, it’s a good step in the right direction. I personally see myself taking this in basically anyone that can take it and can reasonably kill enemies. Tony Morgan in particular now has a strong reason to choose Guardian as his subclass, where previously Survivor seemed to be the significantly better choice in terms of economy.
Cost: 1.
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This one looked weak to me (away from Nathan* obviously) but slowly grows on me the more I look at it.
It's effect is essentially to turn 1 resource into one extra card but first you have to trigger it and it's clogging up your hand in the meantime.
Card draw is very scarce for Guardians and you might have plenty of resources later so that's a decent trade.
If you think of it as a 'cantrip' card that essentially thins your deck it's more appealing again.
What makes it really interesting through is the two books in the corner. Guardians don't get a lot of those and they add a lot of flexibility.
I'd really like to see this card get an xp version.
- Can't remember how to make the pretty card links. Nathan