Umhang aus dem Äußeren Reich
Eingewebte Verzerrung

Vorteil. Körper

Gegenstand. Relikt. Kleidung.

Cost: 1.


Anwendungen (4 Ladungen).

Sobald dich ein Nicht-Elite-Gegner in einen Kampf verwickeln würde, gib 1 Ladung aus: Erschöpfe stattdessen jenen Gegner.

Ethan Patrick Harris
Krieg der Äußeren Götter #51. Krieg der Äußeren Götter #47.
Umhang aus dem Äußeren Reich


No faqs yet for this card.


You can win this card in War of the outer gods. There is almost no reason to not include it in your deck. Works best for investigators that want to avoid monsters and have other stuff to do (Seekers?) Very cheap, 4 free monster evasions.

I got this card and put it in Daisy Walker's deck. It was amazing. She could just travel around, ignore the enemies and do her thing.

I think it would fit in nearly anyone's deck, the body slot is not that much used.

madmaniac · 3