- Q: If Zoey Samaras activates her "Before you reveal chaos tokens during an attack, remove 3 tokens from the chaos bag: This attack deals +1 damage. (Limit once per round.)" and then reacts with Nephthys "When 1 or more [bless] tokens would be removed from the chaos bag during a skill test: Seal them on Nephthys, instead.", have the removed tokens still been removed to satisfy the cost of Zoey? A: No. The ability on Nephthys replaces the removal of tokens from the chaos bag with sealing them; if you use it, you will not satisfy the cost on Parallel Zoey’s free triggered ability. (February 2024)
Zoey Samaras
Die Köchin
Glaubender. Jäger.
- 4
- 2
- 4
- 2
Nachdem du einem Gegner 1 oder mehr Schaden zugefügt hast: Füge dem Chaosbeutel 1 -Marker hinzu. (Nur ein Mal pro Phase.)
Bevor du während eines Angriffs Chaosmarker enthüllst, entferne 3 -Marker aus dem Chaosbeutel: Dieser Angriff fügt +1 Schaden zu. (Nur ein Mal pro Runde.)
-Effekt: +1 für jeden -Marker im Chaosbeutel.
Zoey Samaras - Back
Deckgröße: 30.
Deckbau-Optionen: Wächterkarten () Stufe 0-3, Gesegnet- und Glücksbringer-Karten Stufe 0-4, Neutrale Karten Stufe 0-5, bis zu 5 andere Mystikerkarten () Stufe 0.
Deckbau-Voraussetzungen (zählen nicht gegen die Deckgröße): Zoeys Kreuz, Zerschmettere die Gottlosen, 1 zufällige Grundschwäche.
Investigator Cards
- Zoey's Cross: Symbol of Righteousness (The Dunwich Legacy #6)
- Smite the Wicked (The Dunwich Legacy #7)
- Zoeys Kreuz: Symbol des Glaubens (Path of the Righteous #60)
- Smite the Wicked (Path of the Righteous #61)
Deck Building
Search for cards usable by this investigatorRelated Cards
- Zoey Samaras: The Chef (The Dunwich Legacy #1)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
It seems Zoey didn’t get a scenario released with her new parallel card. A pity and a bit of missed opportunity if you ask me. i feel like there is some great story telling potential in how this chef went into mythos hunting with divine justice and what her life was like before all that.