Jenny Barnes
The Dilettante


Drifter. Socialite.

  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
Health: 8. Sanity: 7.

After your turn begins: Play a Talent asset, reducing its cost by 1.

Discard a Talent asset you control: Gain resources equal to that asset's printed cost. (Limit 5 resources per round.)

effect: +0. If you succeed, gain 3 resources.

"Oh honey, I'm making this up as I go along."
Tony Foti
Pistols and Pearls #84.

Jenny Barnes - Back


Deck Size: 30.

Deckbuilding Options: Rogue cards () level 0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to 10 other non-permanent Talent cards level 0-5.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Jenny's Twin .45s, Searching for Izzie, 1 random basic weakness.

Jenny Barnes has spent the majority of her young life in pursuit of creature comforts, fine dining, and the latest fashions. That all changed when she received a letter from her sister, Isabelle. In this letter, Isabelle confessed that mysterious forces were aligning against her and that she feared she may fall victim to some paranormal threat. It was the last letter Jenny received from her beloved sister. Jenny has since returned to the States to track down and investigate all occult occurrences she can find. Hardly a wilting flower, she has proven herself a crack shot as well as a fearless and clever investigator of the unknown. Until Isabelle's disappearance is explained, Jenny will never relent in her search.
Jenny Barnes
Jenny Barnes
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