4th Grader Minh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

scaredyshark · 7

This is a Minh list built to act as the primary cluever for a 4p group through Dunwich legacy (though the list is generic enough to work for most campaigns, with minor changes). It tends towards being pretty standard, with a few notable choices and decisions I've made. The idea of the deck is generally to combine the cards that reward you for playing various items (Scavenging, Backpack) with a large set of powerful items to commit to various tests.

To address the name, this list is basically a 4th grader going off on various investigator adventures. You put on your backpack and go on various field trips, hopefully never having to interact with an enemy, since your friends are keeping them off you. You have your homework (Glyphs) and all your school supplies (all your other items). You just run around being good at investigating and literally never doing anything else.

The cards that are currently under consideration for cutting:

Lucky! - The card is generally powerful, but I like the idea of running 0 events and more importantly you can't commit it to get rid of The King in Yellow or trigger your bonus

Occult Lexicon - This is mostly under consideration because it doesn't have a crazy amount of synergy with the deck beyond a scavenging loop. It seems to have enough raw power than I'm trying it, but I'll have my eyes open.

Tooth of Eztli - The card itself is good, I'm just concerned about its somewhat limited commitment ability.

Other thoughts: I think this is the first deck I've built that might actually want relic seeker, which will be interesting.