William Yorick I Want My Stuff Back

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

canaking13 · 1

Trying to make the most of William's ability while being able to get clues at opportune moments. We have Rex, Lola, and Sefina in the party.


Sep 19, 2017 FractalMind · 42

Hi Canaking13, here are my thoughts after glancing over your list:

1) Scavenging isn't needed in this deck. You're already recycling events and assets alike with both Yorick's ability and Resourceful. Scavenging simply isn't needed. Plus you'll rarely ever trigger it.

2) The only skill check you'll likely ever use Rise to the Occasion for are investigation attempts, and at most this will put you at a +1. Not the best odds unfortunately.

3)The Knife is an amazing weapon in Yorick's hands. You can discard it for the +2 fight +1 dmg then recover it with Yorick's ability. All around great combo and a blast to play! Make some space to include this weapon. Personally I think it is better than Fire Axe in a Yorick deck.

4)If you're playing multiplayer, I would forgo trying to investigate and ditch the flashlight and focus solely on killing/supporting other investigators. Cards like "Let me handle this!" and Vicious Blow go along way with helping you achieve these goals. Have a look at my Yorick deck arkhamdb.com Though designed for solo play, it will provide you with an idea of how to build out Yorick to be a monster hunter.

Well that's my two cents. Good luck out there! Cheers!

Sep 20, 2017 canaking13 · 1

Thanks for the input. I did remove Rise to the Occasion and Scavenging, I removed some investigation, but not all. I like to have options, just in case. I've had games where a dedicated monster killer did very little.

Sep 22, 2017 buzard · 1

3)The Knife is an amazing weapon in Yorick's hands. What knife? There is none listed.

Sep 22, 2017 canaking13 · 1

Buzard,Fractalmind was suggesting the Knife because I don't have it in the deck, It is now, this is an old list of the deck.

Sep 24, 2017 buzard · 1

My bad.