Daisy Walker does Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WinnerSchnitzel · 25

Pre-campaign testing deck, works well in multiplayer.

A bit greedy on resources, but with Dr Milan and David Renfield on my side it's not a serious issue. Logical Reasoning is Guts with benefits. St. Hubert's Key does miracles.
Your crazy and stats will keep you on par with the game most of the time, Mind over Matter helps in those "here's Johny!" situations.

Mulligan tactics: the usual, get Old Book of Lore or Librarian on your starting hand, then use Daisy’s ability to get cards when needed.

Upgrade path:
Arcane Studies Higher Education
Archaic Glyphs Archaic Glyphs (3)
Deduction and Ward of Protection level 0 level 2
Delve Too Deep Book of Shadows to charge your AG clue vacuum