Tony uses all the guns.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

screamingabdab · 98

When Underworld Market was revealed my first thought was this deck as it addresses a problem I encounter in almost every Main Fighter deck I run, your weapons.

You use a fifth of your deck for Weapon cards so you can reliable find one. Or you build a janky "find my 1 weapon quickly and don't lose it" deck.

This problem is magnified in Tony, because you get a nice splash of Guardian cards, but I've always found myself just taking Upgrades and Ammo for his Tony's .38 Long Colt

But now, well now we have Underworld Market and you can fill that with all the guns you'll ever need and splash your Guardian cards into something different.

The core of the build is Fence, Joey "The Rat" Vigil and the aforementioned Underworld Market. With these in play you can happily grab whatever Weapons are on offer, put them into play Fast and/or cheaper and than sell them off when they run out of ammo to buy more weapons in the future.

Ideally you'd want to get one of your Tony's .38 Long Colt onto the Quickdraw Holster and only use it for the killing blows to collect your Bounties.

First Watch and On the Hunt allow to find enemies and avoid the nasty Mythos cards and you've got the classic "You handle this one!" as back up. Precious Memento stops you going Insane.