Bob‘s massive deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phoenixbadger · 197

Initially put this deck together as a thought experiment around a Bob Jenkins deck for extreme scavenging: how to quickly get as big a discard pile as possible, and get some discard pile drawing effects such as Scavenging, Resourceful and Scrounge for Supplies. An early version published last week wasn’t quite ready, so I’ve adjusted to make more of improvised events.

So this is where it goes a little silly, doubling down on both Short Supply and Forced Learning (which is only available with Versatile, in turn only available through the xp from In the Thick of It.

So the disadvantage of doing this is a clearly a very large deck: 50 cards. I know some people will absolutely hate this! But bear with me: 5 cards in opening hand; 10 cards in discard pile on turn 1, so 35 cards left to draw. With forced learning that takes 17 turns to draw through, without any other draw effects. A “normal” deck takes 25 turns.

So getting scavenging. If it’s in your opening mulligan, great. (35% chance) if not, mulligan hard for Resourceful or Scrounge for Supplies. These will allow you to do a little bit of discard drawing, especially if you get Scavenging in your opening discard pile.
In about 20% of tests I’ve had none of these cards, but actually drawing 2 cards per turn still gives the flexibility of drawing items and a big discard pile is great for wider access to improvised events to keep some early tempo till you are set up.

So it’s items items items: easy for Bob to play, topped up with improvised events and Fortuitous Discovery which also appreciates some already in the discard pile. Burglary to get some use from investigating if you’re trying to scavenge without clues.