Trish Scarborough - Witness Protection (19XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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EbolaMonkey · 28

BusterCon 2023 Deck Series
Trish Scarborough - Witness Protection - 19XP


Give testimony from the shadows!
For every successful investigation at your location with Damning Testimony you can spend a charge to get an additional clue from an enemy's location and remote evade. Upgrade to Blackmail and keep your intellect boosted with Dr. Milan Christopher, Magnifying Glass, and Deduction. There's no agility boost for the Damning Testimony investigation, so Lockpicks doesn't synergize, but it's good to keep around for backup since Trish can lockpick at 8 skill level.

There's a lot of competition for hand slots, so use events for damage. Dr. Milan Christopher and Pickpocketing keep your economy and draw up. Dodge attacks with Obfuscation and Narrow Escape, then strike back with Sneak Attack, Cheap Shot, or Occult Invocation.

Mulligan Priority:

  1. Damning Testimony
  2. Dr. Milan Christopher
  3. Pickpocketing
  4. Lockpicks or Magnifying Glass