I’ll Be Watching You

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SenorBiggles · 14

(Being played in Edge of the Earth with Gloria and Yorick.)

This deck is all about getting tests to 0 difficulty and then reaping big rewards for it. The hinge of all of this is Shed a Light which gives 3(!) testless clues on 0 shroud locations and which Darrell can recur 4 times (for 6 uses in all) in a single run through the draw deck. Pair this with upgraded Old Keyring and you can get 5 testless clues on a 2 shroud location with one action.

Cards included to reduce the difficulty of skill tests are Flashlight, Old Keyring, Anatomical Diagrams, Winging It, Map the Area, Impromptu Barrier, and, of course, Darrell's Kodak.

There are lots of cards here that like to be in the discard pile such as Winging It, Impromptu Barrier, A Glimmer of Hope, Moonstone, and Fortuitous Discovery. So we're not only starting with 10 in the discard from Short Supply but also drawing 2 and discarding 1 of those every turn with Forced Learning.

"I've got a plan!" and Barricade are included as panic buttons. Deep Knowledge can not only draw Darrel cards but allies as well.

Protective Gear is being included because Edge of the Earth likes Hazards and they can hurt.