The Dunwich Legacy Starter Deck: Rex Murphy, the Reporter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

orvilee · 749

Sample Starter Decks from Fantasy Flight Player Resources

Rex is a high-intellect investigator and an expert at discovering clues. Because he has the potential to discover multiple clues each time he investigates—especially in locations with a low shroud value—he can discover clues at a rapid pace. If you can get a Flashlight out early, you can advance quickly and rush through the act deck.

Additionally, this deck has a few tricks you can use alongside Rex’s ability to great effect. For example, if you investigate using Burglary and succeed by 2 or more, you can gain resources and discover a clue simultaneously. Likewise, if you investigate using Seeking Answers and succeed by 2 or more, you can discover a clue at your location, in addition to a clue in a connecting location.

Rex is also adept at holding onto a large hand, using his elder sign ability, Laboratory Assistant, Pickpocketing, and Search for the Truth to keep his hand flush with cards. Use these cards to guarantee success in crucial skill tests, especially when attempting to evade dangerous enemies. Rex isn’t shabby at evasion, but a well-timed Think on Your Feet or Mind over Matter can help bail you out of a sticky situation.

Unfortunately, Rex’s bad luck often catches up with him at the worst time. When you are afflicted by Rex's Curse, you will eventually fail a test, sometimes spectacularly. Depending on how close you are to the end of the scenario, you should either go all-in and hope to succeed at every test despite the curse, or perform skill tests you don’t care too much about losing, in the hopes the curse gets shuffled back into your deck.