Banks Calling in Favors

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

XDarkAngelX · 8

Bit of an experiment here. Trying to ramp up from Art Student into other allies via Calling in Favors so that you can get clues then soak some horror and in effect heal your student for later use. Your first level-up should obviously be Charisma, then you probably want Stick to the Plan and a single Ever Vigilant. Upgrading Beat Cop is also a priority but only after you get Charisma in place.

I could see cutting a skill or one On the Hunt for a copy of Prepared for the Worst to count as a 5th weapon in the deck that also gets to be tutored with Stick to the Plan.

Right now I think the main concern I have is the skill distribution, it needs to be tweaked some most likely. Inquiring Mind is obviously a great card in Roland Banks because you will prefer ending your turn on a location with clues in case you get a monster from the encounter deck or fetch one with On the Hunt. In most situations it will be your card to throw to succeed at a bad treachery's test.