#3: Rex and Roland's Summer Vacation - Roland

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndyB · 930

Two-handed campaign of Roland and Rex. Roland hits stuff for clues, and Rex does the investigating. The plan is to move fast.

In keeping with his role as hitter of this party, Roland is going loaded for bear, but with a few things to help gather clues:




  • Beat Cop as per usual, for the usual reasons
  • Art Student as a cheap Horror sink that grabs a clue. If he had a second ally slot, I'd take two over Working a hunch, but I don't want the contention on the slot.




2: After The House Always Wins

Started very quickly, but got caught fighting in the VIP room, and then as he went to rescue Peter Clover drew Cover Up, forcing a withdrawal to the alley for some clues. Cleared cover up in the end, though.

1: After Extracurricular Activity

Roland had fun clobbering things for clues, including 2 Yithian Observers. Sanity was under threat by the end, though, with little damage. Sanity sinks urgently needed...

Saved Professor Warren Rice
