- Automatic Success/Failure: Some card effects make an investigator automatically succeed or automatically fail a skill test. If this occurs, depending on the timing of such an effect, certain steps of the skill test may be skipped in their entirety.
- If it is known that an investigator automatically succeeds or fails at a skill test before Step 3 (“Reveal Chaos Token”) occurs, that step is skipped, along with Step 4. No chaos token(s) are revealed from the chaos bag, and the investigator immediately moves to Step 5. All other steps of the skill test resolve as normal.
- If a chaos token effect causes an investigator to automatically succeed or fail at a skill test, continue with Steps 3 and 4, as normal. - FAQ, v.1.7, March 2020
Glücksfall. Trainiert.
XP: 1.
Falls du 3 Kopien von Drei Asse zu einer Fertigkeitsprobe beiträgst, gelingt jene Probe automatisch (es werden keine Chaosmarker aus dem Chaosbeutel enthüllt). Ziehe dann 3 Karten und erhalte 3 Ressourcen (Max. 1 Mal pro Probe)
Latest Taboo
This card's ability gains: "Remove each committed copy of Three Aces from the game."

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Now that this card has been tabooed, it is worth another review.
Cycling your deck will not help you anymore to use this card multiple times per Scenario.
Is it still worth it then?
1xp for 3 cards that make you draw 3 other cards: they replace themselves. They also provide you with resources (1 per card), and an auto success. The success can be really helpful, especially in a class that often runs really low on .
Compared to Easy Mark, you get 3 fewer resources, you need to find the 3 of them to play them otherwise you're stuck, but it gives you an auto success.
The 2 questions to ask yourself are then:
• Do I draw enough to see the 3 copies during each scenario? If yes, then go to the next question, if not, then it is wasted XP and deck space.
• Do I have enough space in my Deck to play this? This is not really a good deck thinner as there are chances that you see the last copy quite far in your deck and therefore in the Scenario.
•• It also counter-synergises with Versatile that you may use to add Track Shoes as it makes just fewer chances overall to find the 3 copies consistently.
TL;DR: This is good for a 1xp set of cards: it fits in some decks (high draw + Deck space available), not a lot, and is welcome for tests but doesn't change the course of a scenario.
Mandy + Lucid Dreaming can get the two other copies of Three Aces into your hand so long as you have 1 copy in your hand to start with and the other 2 copies are not discarded. This makes Three Aces very reliable and easy to pull off in Mandy. If you have some way to cycle through your deck really fast (not impossible for Mandy with her card draw and Research cards removing themselves), then you might be able to do a Three Aces test more than once.
I use this card in my Mandy deck and it's promising. It's guarantee success once And you can use it only once per deck shuffle. The down-side is you need to collect many card to win big enough.
However, I summary some card which synergy with this card.
Recommend Combo with Double or Nothing
- Fingerprint Kit +1 Clue
- Deduction +1 Clue
- Deciphered Reality get all Clues from revealed location
- All In + 10 Card draw
Recommend Combo without Double or Nothing
- Fingerprint Kit +1 Clue
- Deduction with Daring Maneuver +2 Clue
- Quick Thinking +1 Action
- Lucky Cigarette Case +1 Card draw
- All In + 5 Card draw
But keep in mind that this combo is not defensive. It's for winning big and require a lot of cards !
Noob question
but how does this card works with "succeed by x" effects?
"Watch this!", Mauser C96, Opportunist, Lucky Cigarette Case, Quick Thinking, Lockpicks, Switchblade, Deduction (2), Perception (2), etc.