So at last! The harpoon! Commit yer Resourcefuls, yer Inspiring Presences, anything you can and ponder real hard on if you want em back in exchange for three resources and an action. Probably do. Getting more resourcefuls is like hard drugs. Do it. 100% won't regret it.
Vorteil. Hand
Gegenstand. Waffe. Nahkampf.
Cost: 3.
Nur für das Deck von Silas Marsh.
: Kampf. Du bekommst für diesen Angriff +1 . Falls du zu dieser Fertigkeitsprobe 1 oder mehr Fertigkeitskarten beigetragen hast, fügt dieser Angriff +1 Schaden zu. Sobald diese Fertigkeitsprobe endet, darfst du Harpune der Gezeiten auf deine Hand zurückschicken, um alle deine beigetragenen Fertigkeitskarten auf deine Hand zurückzuschicken, statt sie abzulegen.

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LiveFromBenefitSt said: If only we could have a Moneybags Silas....
Well this is now the case: bring Bruiser x2 and you're set.
Take a Fire Extinguisher in one hand, Sea Change Harpoon in the other, and on the last attack to kill a monster, commit all your hand if you want to.
This includes:
Quick Thinking to get another action to play the Sea Change Harpoon back using the Bruiser money.
Resourceful x2 so that you can bring back Plucky to stay alive, or Brute Force in case you used it for the previous attacks.
Stunning Blow so that even if you don't finish the enemy this round, you still evade it.
All in all you could use for instance Brute Force during your Actions 1 & 2, and Commit Quick Thinking, Stunning Blow, Resourceful x2, Unrelenting, Overpower, Daring x2 on the last action with taking back your harpoon in your hand. Use the action from Quick Thinking to play the Sea Change Harpoon back.
This combo would result in: using 0 cards, 0 resources, drawing 5 cards, dealing 8 damages and automatically evading the enemy.
All the excessive draw can then be turned into extra for the Brute Force attacks.
And if you want to be sure to not fail the cycle with the , take a Nightmare Bauble with you :)
A decent weapon if you are committing skills to the Fight test, and, being Silas, why wouldn't you? The extra ability is nice, although, in my experience, Silas runs pretty lean on resources, so getting his committed cards back at the cost of 3 resources (and an action) might be a tough trick to pull off frequently, especially with his other signature asset doing more or less the same thing. If only we could have a Moneybags Silas....
With two pretty good signature assets and a hard but manageable signature weakness, it's up to personal preference whether you want to go with the "box," "book," or both signature sets. Those sailors, they are versatile.
In my Silas deck, this was usually a back up weapon. But then I realized the power of using this with Opportunist(2). That way, this becomes a pretty nice alternative to machete. The same technique can power your net. There aren’t a lot of great weapons in survivor if you can’t get chainsaw going for you consistently, this will do you well.
I’ll take an alternate view. This weapon and the accompanying net are just too complicated, expensive and action-intensive for the simple way I play Silas. Much prefer him with the costly but no fuss Timeworn Brand and cards that recur skills like Resourceful and True Survivor. Sure it’s more xp but Silas can run well with little Xp. Just Meat Cleaver and Sylvestre with Track Shoes, and maybe a couple copies of Brute Force, until you can afford the time-tested Brand.
So, if I read this correctly this card does not interact with non-skill cards committed to the test. Makes you think how many skill cards you need to run in a Silas deck to reliably hit for 2 with this.