The Secrets of my Mind (Optimal)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Holysheva · 20

This deck is to play in a 4 Players Hard mode and is a upgrade of the deck:

The idea is simple, ignore our weakness and maximize the ability of rex

To do That we need two cards Archaic Glyphs and Pnakotic Manuscripts. If we have this 2 cards in game we can make a perfect combo, we use the ability of the manuscripts who allow us to make an skill test and not draw a token, and then we investigate with the glyph ability. If all go ok we will take one clue for the investigate action, one clue for rex ability and many aditional clue for the glyph ( you can mix it with Deduction to take 2 extra clue and help reach the glyph another clue).

You will need to use Dr. Milan Christopher , Magnifying Glass and Flashlight to upgrade your skill value to maximize the clues you can get.

Finally when you run out of uses with the manuscripts , you can use Truth from Fiction or Enraptured to recharge it, also you can destroy it using other hand slot card and recover them with Scavenging

To make the deck optimal we need to upgrade this after we earn some xp:

Deduction-> Deduction (X2)

Vantage Point -> Pnakotic Manuscripts

Archaic Glyphs -> Archaic Glyphs

Magnifying Glass -> Magnifying Glass (x2)

Archaic Glyphs -> Archaic Glyphs

Tooth of Eztli -> Pnakotic Manuscripts

Fieldwork -> In the Know

Flashlight ->In the Know