Spells for Days Agnes [Night of the Zealot]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

themandersson · 15

Deck I made for a playthrough of a 3 person Night of the Zealot. First try at Agnes, but it felt pretty strong.

Deck is all about utilizing those glorious spells. What can't they do? Also not very resource intensive so you feel pretty rich throughout the game.

Highlights: Forbidden Knowledge is amazing with Agnes. Take a horror, gain a resource, kill a Swarm of Rats, Acolyte, finish off a big guy. So good.

Shrivelling is your gun. Even taking a horror off of it is not that bad cause it just bumps up the damage.

Drawn to the Flame and "Look what I found!" are your primary ways to get clues. Don't stress the encounter card on Drawn to the Flame to much either, gotta risk it for the biscuits.

Rabbit's Foot is just juicy. Potentially gets you a ton of cards. Now you don't have to be afraid of investigating 2 on 2 cause even if you fail it gets you a card (not to mention "Look what I found!"). One of the weakest cards in this deck is Holy Rosary just because I'd always rather have a Rabbit's Foot.

Arcane Studies seems like it would be good in this, cause you tend to have a bunch of resources lying around but I never really used it. The main thing is having will on demand is fine in Agnes and knowledge on demand can get you that clue when you're having a rough time.

Noteable things left out: Stray Cat this card is good, but Agnes can just kill stuff or blinding light.

Scrying seems bleh when playing with 3 people. Can't really bury stuff and it costs an action and has a limited number of charges.

Neutral Skill Cards are fine, their cycle ability is helpful and +2 on a check is good, but Agnes has spells to do what she wants to do. Don't stress these too much.

Arcane Initiate is way better than I thought now that I realize all doom disappears after the agenda advances, but it still has a window. Might be worth it to switch out the Holy Rosaries for 2 of these. Sadly you can't put horror on this guy and trigger Agnes' ability.


Nov 23, 2016 VermillionDe · 295

Does the timing on Rabbit's Foot and Lucky! work? It seems like Rabbit's foot activates after you already failed the skill check meanwhile Lucky! activates before you technically fail it.

The FAQ says that you can use Rabbit's Foot to draw another card that activates in the same window like "Look What I Found!"(LWIF) but Rabbit's Foot and LWIF both activate after failing a skill check. Lucky! activates before failing it.

Nov 23, 2016 themandersson · 15

I think you're right, I mixed up which card is in that timing window.

Nov 23, 2016 VermillionDe · 295

Too bad, I really liked that combination :) Still, Rabbit's Foot to fish for LWIF is still a good combination it just has a narrower application.