Joe Diamond - Solo The Eternal Slumber

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Joe Diamond - Solo Carnevale of Horrors 1 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Joe Diamond - Solo Return to The Miskatonic Museum 0 0 0 1.0

unremb · 251

Spoiler Warning

Return to the Dunwich Legacy solo (Standard difficulty):
Disclaimer: semi-blind run - several decisions within the game as well as in deck-building is done with prior knowledge of the Campaign in mind.
Though this is my first run on Return and with Joe Diamond.

Fine Clothes x2 for Forewarned
Turns out the reason why I didn't draw them for 3 scenarios running was because I forgot to include them. ...Oops...
Forewarned for a little treachery protection.

The Eternal Slumber (2XP):

Pathfinder was crucial both in terms of action economy and allowing me to maximize cards such as Scene of the Crime and Take the Initiative.
Tooth of Eztli also allowed me to maintain card economy as I had to commit cards to just about every & test.
Cycling 2 cards every start of the turn when Slumbering is quite funny (and exhausting)
Had too few clues in this scenario for Forewarned to be useful.

Scenario Ends ( R2 : 5 VP )
you are aware of Xzaroth's plans
dreamers in the abyss (2)
Brotherhood Agents Who Escaped: Dr. Layla El Masri, Farid, Nassor, Dr. Wentworth Moore