Tommy Muldoon Monster Slayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MiskaMiska · 24

This is a Tommy tank build inspired by the discussion on Optimal Play of the .35 Winchester. The basic idea is to combine Tommy's soal-fueled Becky fighting with custom ammunition to have a powerful, enduring weapon. It takes advantage of the .35 Winchester because a) it wants lots of ammo, and if you can't find Becky, the Winchester works well; b) to enable Becky, we're not running flashlights or one-handed weapons, so no competition for hand slots. If you add 2 ammo to the Winchester, your odds on standard are to do more damage than the .45 automatic, so it's at least break even at that point.

The upgrade path is to take Stick to the Plan to hold your Ever Vigilant (replaces 1 cache), cache, and Custom Ammunition. On scenarios where you won't be fighting monsters, you can swap in First Watch or "Fool me once..." and still get good value from the plan, and you'll only ever need the one custom ammunition in the deck, so it's not a huge XP sink the way that a M1918 BAR or Lightning Gun is.

It's still no Stabby Leo, but it's fun to play and performed great in a three-player Circle Undone campaign.