Q: Can you play "Fool me once..." if the effect you're resolving is to discard the treachery? E.g. Frozen in Fear's "if you succeed, discard Frozen in Fear" or Deep Dark discarding at the end of the round? A: Yes, “Fool me once…” could be attached to those so long as you have resolved an effect on the Treachery card and would normally discard it (not “remove it from the game”, etc.)
Q: Can you play "Fool me once…" if upon advancing to the next agenda counts as discarding a treachery? E.g. Day of Reckoning or Light of Aforgomon? A: Yes, “Fool me once…” could be attached to those so long as you have resolved an effect on the Treachery card and would normally discard it (not “remove it from the game”, etc.)
Q: Can you play "Fool me once…" if the Action triggered abilities effect you're resolving is to discard the treachery weakness? E.g. Haunted or Internal Injury? A: Yes, “Fool me once…” could be attached to those so long as you have resolved an effect on the Treachery card and would normally discard it (not “remove it from the game”, etc.)
Q: Can you play "Fool me once…" if help teammates pay Action triggered abilities effect you're resolving is to discard the treachery weakness? E.g. Narcolepsy? A: “Fool me once…” requires “you” to be the person that discards the Treachery, so if another player discarded Narcolepsy for you, “you” would not be able to use “Fool me once…” Only the person who discarded the Treachery could use “Fool me once…”
Q: Are cards attached to "Fool me once…" face-up and/or in play? Since Fool me once…" attaches the treachery face up, is its effect still active? E.g. Drawing the Sign, Self-Destructive or Evil Past? A: The Treachery is not considered active while attached to “Fool me once…”
Erkenntnis. Taktik.
Cost: 1. XP: 1.
Schnell. Spiele diese Karte, sobald du eine Verratskarte ablegen würdest, nachdem ein beliebiger ihrer Effekte abgehandelt worden ist.
Bringe „Nicht noch einmal!” in deiner Spielzone ins Spiel und hänge sie an jene Verratskarte an.
Sobald ein beliebiger Ermittler eine Kopie der Verratskarte mit dieser Verstärkung zieht, lege „Nicht noch einmal!” ab: Hebe den Enthüllungseffekt jener Karte auf.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
A beautiful synergy with Diana Stanley:
Her Twilight Blade allows her to re-play events and skills from under her - however the blade explicitly states that the card cannot then go back under Diana when "playing or committing a card in this way". However, the cancellation effect of "Fool me once..." does not happen during the play action - it happens at a later stage, when a subsequent copy of that treachery is drawn, meaning you can trigger Diana's again at this point!
This means you can infinitely recur this card in the following steps:
- You resolve the effects of a treachery.
- You play "Fool me once..." to put it into your play area.
- A copy of that treachery is drawn and therefore is cancelled, triggering Diana's effect. The card is placed under Diana and she gets a card and a resource.
- Later, you resolve the effects of another treachery.
- You exhaust Twilight Blade to play "Fool me once..." from under Diana, placing it in your play area.
- Repeat from step 3!
It took me playing three whole campaigns as Diana before I noticed this synergy. You could say... fool me thrice.
"Fool me once..." is an alright card if played fairly, for it purpose of cancelling a future encounter card - it comes cheaper than Ward of Protection (since you don't have to pay a horror), but costs an extra XP and has more stringent restrictions on when it can cancel a card. Other reviews give more in-depth descriptions of this.
However, there's an important (perhaps unintended) usage of this card: unlike most treachery-interaction cards, this one doesn't specify that it only applies to non-weakness treacheries, so you can use it to trap a weakness to avoid redrawing it when you reshuffle your deck.
Most Guardians don't really have the draw to take advantage of this, but this effect can be especially strong in Joe Diamond, who does have access to the tools needed to repeatedly draw his deck, and this can let you really easily facilitate infinite combos, even if you draw a particularly nasty weakness (such as Amnesia).
Don’t forget, it’s not only the future card that you cancel, but the existing card is also removed from the deck while waiting for future nastiness. Some of the nastiest scenarios in the game have ancient evils and the encounter discard pile gets shuffled back into the deck one or more times. So this card takes Ancient evils (or other doom-applying card effects) out, making the encounter deck lovely and cuddly when reshuffled.
I wonder what happens with this card for surge cards. I know you can't cancel the surge, but if its a truly horrible one (say some of the peril surge doom-adding cards early on in The Forgotten Age), then could you discard and cancel the revelation effects of the card with a Ward of Protection, but because the surge keyword does have an effect, you could also play Fool me Once..., to protect against a future version of the card (in the case of a peril card, clearly only works if you are the one to draw it a second time)
If that does count, then you could even play that very same "Fool me once..." again, if you are playing Diana and have the twilight blade in play?
1) Draw the first encounter card (a treachery one) with a surge effect (and a nasty revelation effect). Resolve any effects
2) Play "Fool me once..." and attach the nasty encounter card to it.
... play a few more rounds...
3) Eventually draw a second nasty treachery card of the same type.
4) Trigger the reaction ability on "Fool me once..." - cancel the card's revelation effect.
5) Trigger Diana's ability to put the "Fool me once..." card underneath Diana (draw a card and resource)
6) Resolve the treachery card's surge effect. (note the rules do specifically use the word resolve for the surge keyword)
7) Get to the point where you are about to discard the treachery card in question.
8) Trigger the reaction ability on Twilight Blade to place "Fool me once..." in your play area and attach the treachery to it.
Any thoughts on that ?
Pointing out potentially obscure interaction (if it's already been discussed, my b):
The ability on "Fool me once..." is entirely optional. The means you can lock away nasty treacheries like Ancient Evils forever to decrease their appearance from the encounter deck at all. Then in the final stages of the scenario you can always choose to cancel it anyway if you'll finish before reshuffling the encounter deck.
The reason I'm bringing this up at all is because my group has found that Syzygy is just an absolute nightmare to handle. Since it is a Peril, your Ward of Protection or A Test of Will packing friends won't be allowed to cancel it. If you have a way to ensure that you're the one to draw Syzygy (say... First Watch or Scrying) you can ensure one or both of them are completely removed from the scenario for its duration.
Notably the reverse also applies. "Fool me once..." cannot cancel Perils drawn by your allies despite its card text.
"Peril is a keyword ability.
While resolving the drawing of an encounter card with the peril keyword, an investigator cannot confer with the other players. Those players cannot play cards, trigger abilities, or commit cards to that investigator's skill test(s) while the peril encounter is resolving."
Anyway, there's plenty of encounter sets that include only one or two copies of completely disgusting treacheries that can be completely negated for the remainder with some luck and/or some encounter deck manipulation. Give it a shot!
"Fool me once..." offers a similar promise to Mystic staple Ward of Protection of protecting you and your party from dangerous treachery effects. I say "staple", but actually I've recently gone a little cold for Ward because it turns out taking a horror along with spending a card and a resource is a fairly steep price against most treacheries, although it sometimes is worth it to protect vulnerable teammates or to just cancel the harsher treacheries, such as Ancient Evils. How does "Fool me once..." compare?
"Fool me once..." still costs a card and a resource, and while it doesn't deal you horror out of hand like Ward does, it does demand you actually resolve and discard a treachery in order to prevent a future copy of it. Now, you'll still count as having resolved the Revelation ability on a treachery that you passed a skill test for; the good news is in theory "Fool me once..." sometimes costs you merely a card and a resource, but this means you'll have to suffer at least one Ancient Evils in order to cancel the next one. Additionally, this card demands that you resolve the treachery to be cancelled, and not a teammate - so you have to draw it before they do if your intentions are selfless.
On top of that, not all treacheries with dangerous Revelation effects actually discard themselves until they're already done hurting you pretty bad, such as Dunwich encounter spoiler and Circle Undone encounter spoiler. Ward of Protection does better against those, and is generally much more flexible in what it can cancel. It has been pointed out that you can "trap" a treachery attached to "Fool me once..." by keeping it in play so that it doesn't shuffle back into the encounter deck, but unless you were highly likely to draw that treachery twice again during the scenario, you were just as good if not better cancelling a second copy with "Fool me once..."'s reaction.
So, when is "Fool me once..." good? I think much like Ward of Protection, this card isn't going to be something you spend experience on for all investigators for whom it is available. You ought to have a good idea of why you're buying "Fool me once..." and the kinds of treacheries you intend to use it to fight. You might for instance take this if you or a teammate is particularly weak to willpower treacheries. Notably, "Fool me once..." is likely to overperform in The Forgotten Age (perhaps this is being alluded to in the art?) due to the Explore mechanic allowing you to dig for treacheries early in the scenario.
Additionally, the more teammates you have, the greater the likelihood that the same treachery is drawn repeatedly before the scenario ends. In a 3 or 4 player group, "Fool me once..." goes especially well with First Watch and "Let me handle this!" to really control the Mythos phase and improve the odds of you drawing the treachery you want to cancel before someone else does. Obviously this synergy is going to be most effective in investigators equipped to take on multiple encounter cards, which typically means those with high willpower - so Zoey Samaras, Leo Anderson, and particularly Diana Stanley who loves that magic word "cancel".
Even if this card is as situational as I believe it is, it's still nice to see the Guardian archetype of protectively tackling encounter cards continue to be fleshed out, and I'm definitely a fan of the concept and theming.
The Guardian's answer to Ward of Protection. While this doesn't cancel the effect of the card drawn by the playing investigator, the ability to block the next copy can be very valuable, especially for treacheries that stack and build up or draw out a scenario enemy (such as Daemonic Piping) or generally annoying treacheries like Ancient Evils. In a 3 or 4 player group where you are cycling through the encounter deck fairly quickly, this is a strong addition for those who can take, and all for only 1 XP!
Useful, but hard to deckbuild. slots, while not as contested as, say, deckslots, dont have too much space for tertiary strategies. If you do afford the deckslot for "Fool me once..." its a useful but not terrific card. Diana Stanley loves her some cancels though, so keep this in mind for her.
The mechanics speak for themselves, (although keep in mind that the card is played on treacheries -while they are being discarded-, keep that in mind if you want to hit something like Frozen in Fear), but the inability to surgically hit whichever treachery you like is a drawback. Think of it this way: Sometimes you play Ward of Protection against Rotting Remains to cover someone for whom a failed check equals defeat, but usually you dont block a minor treachery like Rotting Remains at all. "Fool me once..." doesnt have this precision. The most bang for your buck is hitting treacheries that are universally bad, Ancient Evils for example.
Obviously a greater playercount increases mythos drawspeed, so the usefulness goes up a bit, but in this case the chance of you personally encountering the desired target (a requirement for playing "Fool me once...") goes down dramatically, so that in of itself is a problem too.
"Fool me once..." is'nt bad, but it's largely inferior to similar mechanics and it's costing space and resources in a faction that often struggles to generate resources and cards. You will be forgiven for not ever trying this thing out.