Dunwich Revival Tour - Brute Force Jenny

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Highwire · 32


Jul 17, 2017 unitled · 2247

I think with a through-money-at-it Jenny deck, you can do some amazing Backstab plays, and I would absolutely consider it here over Sneak Attack. Especially with Double or Nothing, officially The Most Fun Card(tm).

Liking Prepared for the Worst too, seen it in Jenny as one of her OOFs a few times now; there is nothing better for pulling Jenny's Twin .45s out of your deck than that!

Jul 17, 2017 unitled · 2247

Urgh, through = throw

Jul 17, 2017 AndyB · 935

I dunno - I think Jenny really needs Streetwise for Backstab to come into it's own. I'm also liking Prepared for the Worst in Jenny decks.