The Marie Lambeau hard solo deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Badgerblake · 113

fisrt draft for a marie deck to play solo on hard mode.

looking for advice


Apr 09, 2021 wallets · 160

Alchemical Transmutation isn't amazing on harder difficulties, can I ask what cards you have access to? I'd take Uncage the Soul over it, for starters.

Apr 09, 2021 Badgerblake · 113

I love uncage the soul but it's not a spell so will not be free action using her ability. that's my thinking. but might go back to uncage the soul once tested.

Apr 09, 2021 wallets · 160

Ah, I see your point, this setup isn't that expensive anyway if you're running Holy Rosary instead of St. Hubert's Key and no investigation spells.

I find it interesting that you run three Fight spells + Enraptured and no Evade spells, haha. But I don't like Mists of R'lyeh much anyways, and unless you're playing TFA then this is a fine call.

The deck is pretty good, I'm actually playing a Marie Lambeau deck right now, but it's two-player. What I ran to ensure I got my spell consistency was Arcane Initiate and then cut down on the Fight spells. However, that does mean you have to make judgment calls over what allies to include in the deck. Good luck with your run!

Apr 10, 2021 Badgerblake · 113

had a couple of test runs on hard the gathering and beat the priest both times but it was a little slow to get the deck going and I definitely found I had to many fight spell cards in my hand not doing anything so made a few changes.

Apr 10, 2021 Badgerblake · 113