A Manned Ash-Harp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

acotgreave · 829

I love Amanda. This deck succeeded in Innsmouth Conspiracy alongside Trish Scarborough (clue and evading), Silas Marsh (fighting) and Jacqueline Fine (fighting and mystical things).

Many cards are kinda staples (Segment of Onyx, Practice Makes Perfect, Working a Hunch, etc).

Cards of note:

The Truth Beckons This card has a bad review on its card page. "Shortcut is better" they say. I say that's garbage. For TIC, this card got me across the entire map. In the final scenario, my team opened up a route enabling me to cross all the way to... well, the place you need to get to.

Seeking Answers I only upgraded in the last scenario. I was wary of this, because Working a Hunch is so good, and Fast. But Seeking Answers, combined with Deduction netted a LOT of clues.

Hemispheric Map It's situational. But in TIC? Those situations (well-connected locations) come up a lot. Definitely worth it in this campaign.

Dream-Enhancing Serum The 0xp deck in the campaign has this, along with Laboratory Assistant; I thought I was going to do a big deck build. But I soon discovered that my play style for Amanda was to commit, commit, commit, and my hand size rarely got above 4 cards. I probably should have ditched this card because, for me, in this campaign, it never really did anything.

Conclusion? Amanda's a hoot. She's so flexible (I have a solo deck which is flying too) and her ability, while initially looking a bit intimidating, is really easy to grokk.


Aug 25, 2021 coldtoes · 28

I just finished my blind run of Pit of Despair and was very happy to have taken your The Truth Beckons recommendation! It enabled me to grab one extra VP and accomplish an additional task that will help us later in the campaign; without it I'd have had to spend all my remaining turns getting to the exit.