The Adventures of Carolyn Fern

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

swarya10 · 1

This is my 5th Arkham campaign and the 1st time I'm making my investigator from scratch instead of copying someone else's build.

The initial concept is cards like Dynamite Blast and Storm of Spirits doing area damage (in previous campaigns we've had no problem luring 3+ monsters to a spot and then had no way to deal with them), and then healing the collateral damage from my group mates and us getting rich in the process.

First upgrade I'm planning to purchase Stick to the Plan which i'll load up likely with Fingerprint Kit, Dynamite Blast, and First Aid. The Arcane Research is really there to give me some initial horror to heal to get my money train going and so i was really conscious to include enough spells in my initial build to be able to utilize the spell discount.

I dipped pretty hard into Mystic so it was a challenge to stay under the 15 0-1 Mystic/Seeker card limit. That is what forced my hand early to go down to 1 Fingerprint Kit before i got Stick to the Plan in place. I LOVE getting 2 clues in a single action so that's why Deduction and Scene of the Crime are in there.

This build got pretty dark with the additions of Delve Too Deep, Meat Cleaver, and Painkillers. Its about to get really weird for Peter Sylvestre.

The other investigators in this group are Dexter Drake Dexter Drake and Zoey Samaras Zoey Samaras and we are playing the Circle Undone. Please no spoilers because 2 out of 3 of us are playing for the 1st time and the other guy is a very good secret keeper. :-)