The Dark World - Hammer of the Gods v2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Hammer of the Gods 58 40 3 1.0
Inspiration for
Zoey Samaras - ECAC - (Iván) - 2404 0 0 0 2.0

Myriad · 1217

The Dark World - Hammer of the Gods v2.0

6 XP co-operative Guardian deck for 2 or more investigators that brings the fight to your enemies.

Current Version 1.0 This deck is continuing to be refined from it's previous version but it has come a long way.

Requires 2x Core Sets, as well as 1x of each of the expansions from the Dunwhich Legacy Cycle.

If you try this solo, please write about your experience and your changes.



Deck Composition

There are 6x Weapon Assets in the deck! While this may seem like overkill, many of your assets are transitory. This lets you benefit from items like the bandolier and ever vigilant.

  • 1x Lightning Gun Smite the wicked. Ride the lightning.

  • 1x .32 Colt A back up weapon and perhaps your most flexible slot. Although if you are playing through Dunwhich, you will need those extra shots.

  • 2x Machete Reliable and a mainstay. Sometimes to bring about justice, you need to get your hands dirty.

  • 2x Gravedigger's Shovel A controversial item, but a powerful one at that. Comboing with Ever Vigilant you have an item that either will help you finish off the odd hp of an enemy (at a base fight of 6!) that you can pitch away to find a clue when something better comes along for your hand slot.
  • 1x Prepared for the Worst Reach out and seize the sword to smite your enemy. If you begin your quest with one of these and do not find a trusty sword, then strongly consider having some faith and keeping this safe.

Since this deck is focused on the annihilation of the enemy, it includes skills to support your endeavors.

  • 1x Bandolier This card earns its keep here. Not only is the "tempo hit" negated by Ever Vigilant, but it provides 1 hp AND gives you a flex hand slot for any of your additional weaponry.

  • 1x Dodge The will of the Divine shall guide you and your allies in your quest. This boon shall keep you in the fight and give your foes no respite from judgement.

  • 2x Ever Vigilant Gaze with the ever vigilant eyes of the gatekeepers of heaven and stand ready to act at a moments notice. When you find a moment's respite, arm yourself.

  • 2x Vicious Blow Lay low the wicked.

  • 2x Taunt Stand strong against the turmoil within. Save your energy as your foes come to you, only to be struck down for their vanity.

Although Zoey Samaras' sanity will be tested in her journey, she can find succor in the virtues of the divine.

  • 2x Beat Cop Bravery inspires others to deeds of greatness. A stalwart soul to ward off the darkness, who may just sacrifice himself finish off a foe.

    2x Laboratory Assistant Learn from those who are experts in their craft. With their help, you shall stand ready for the task at hand.

One must know when to fight and when to lay down arms. In this temperance, you shall know greatness.

  • 1x "Let Me Handle This" Proclaim to the darkness that you are not afraid. Stand tall and bolster your allies with your courage.

    1x "Smoking Pipe" Calm the mind so that evil may not slow your struggle.

    1x Drawn to the Flame Answer His call, for he shall guide you to glory.

  • 2x Emergency Cache Faith offers its own reward.

  • 2x Unexpected Courage Steel yourself against the darkness. Arm yourself in courage and you will prevail.

  • 2x Guts Shine like a beacon of hope. Inspire the meek. Shield the weak.



Mulligan aggressively for a weapon, ever vigilant and some combination of other assets. As you are running 15 in your deck you will have plenty of targets. The real "trick" play is to pop down your Laboratory Assistant and draw two cards with your first ever vigilant trigger. This will increase your odds of finding more worthwhile assets and feels great. You gain a great deal of tempo reducing the cost of the assets, but you also get card draw along with it! Try it and never look back. Aside from that play smart and do not be afraid to use your allies as your armor. The additional sanity of the lab assistant and the beat cop will make you extremely resilient. Finally, a few words on including the controversial Physical Training. Normally I hate that card, but it feels about right in this deck. You do not waste tempo on playing it most of the time, it also only will cost you one AND Zoey has a tendency to not need her resources anymore after a certain point. You will have the money! You might as well spend it!

Possible Substitutions

You may consider dropping Taunt and going up to 2x Let Me Handle This depending on the player count. I think Taunt justifies the slot as you REALLY won't want to hit your ally with a lightning gun shot and you will be most pressed for actions in higher player counts. It may ultimately come down to player count. In 2 player it could easily just be "Let Me Handle This" but outside of that you may want to keep the taunt. Taunt could also be Dynamite Blast if you want to include that card. A single Lab Assistant could be dropped for another out of faction card. Shortcut springs to mind or a second Drawn to the Flame. However, play with Lab Assistant first. The combo with Ever Vigilant IS that good. Both Bandolier and Physical Training are also possible drops depending on taste. I love the utility of Bandolier in this build and I especially like Physical training, but it might need to go down to a 1x simply to allow for more events. Moving forward, I would look to add Stand Together, Replace Beat Cop, go for the second copy of Lightning Gun or add "I've Had Worse". All are worthy upgrades. You could also find slots for Brother Xavier OR Police Badge as they both also play nicely with Ever Vigilant.



Thank you to DadouXII for your outstanding guides and assets.

Oct 21, 2017 Covered in Weasels · 1

You've clearly put a lot of thought into your card choices. I've never thought of using Lab Assistant alongside Ever Vigilant before -- I should give that a try in my next Roland or Zoey deck.

Oct 21, 2017 Myriad · 1217

@Covered in WeaselsThank you! I have spent a lot of time on this deck as Zoey is my favorite investigator in the game right now.

Lab assistant is a two fold ally. She gives you some much needed sanity protection and gives you draw. She will also give you potentially more options for potential Ever Vigilant targets on the fly and due to the high volume of assets, you will likely draw at least one.

Initially I thought the combo was cute, but it always feels strong. It is basically taking one action to do five things instead of three.