Tommy Muldoon: Special Ability: Inheritance Tax

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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jaketrow · 4

His ability is quite unique, and I like it. It makes him better at gaining resources, which I think a lot of investigators can struggle with. The Rouges not so much. Guardian and Survivor are a very nice combination, as it allows you to fight and be somewhat multifaceted with the fail abilities. For Upgrades, I think you should upgrade the guns, Bandolier, "Look what I found!", Dynamite Blast, Lucky!, Oops!, Beat Cop, so on, so on. For new purchases Miss Doyle is extremely amazing. Also, I think (to a fault), the other guns are outshined by Becky. I think it is the best gun in the entire game, (hear me out now) for a few reasons: 1: It costs 2 resources, which is extremely cheap. Yes it does take both hands but just wait. 2: It does only start off with 2 ammo, but each and every single resource you get from Tommy's can be placed on Becky as ammo! And it gives you +2 and +1 damage. Now, you may be thinking that Roland's .38 Special is better because it gives you +3 instead of 2 but this is reliant upon there being clues at your location, and those will probably go away from Roland's special ability and Evidence!. So I think Becky is the best. Let me know any card upgrades/new cards you think I should put in.