Sister Mary Makes Everything Sunshine and Rainbows 19 XP

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

An_Undecayed_Whately · 1084

After recently running Sister Mary I found her ineffective as a fighter or tank, so I'd like to try her out again but as a support investigator. So this is strictly for playing with 3 or 4 investigators.

I'm envisioning something like the "controller" role in a RPG, someone who brings powerful effects to bear knowing that the basics are covered. If Mary plays her cards right things should be all sunshine and rainbows for her fellow investigators!

Here's a 19 XP version to test in standalone, for a 0 XP campaign starter swap in the Side Deck for the XP cards.

1: Scry on Important Tests

  • Two copies of Scrying Mirror let you predetermine eight skill tests. This conserves cards (wasted due to over-committing when you draw a benign token) and it saves actions (wasted when you under-commit and draw a bad token). I expect this these charges are best used for combats and treacheries.

  • the Crystal Pendulum guarantees a free card when you use the Mirror. And it has a decent chance of a free draw even without it, just go with the likeliest result!

2: Nerf the Chaos Bag

  • Sister Mary's innate power loads up the Chaos Bag with a Bless Token each turn

  • Nephthys (4) captures Bless tokens that would naturally "leak" back into the pool. They either deal testless damage or recycle back to bag!

  • The Chthonian Stone is another way to nerf the Chaos Bag: remove whatever token has the worst effect in the scenario

3: Meddle with the Encounter Deck

5: Don't Be a Liability

6: Pitch In as a Team Player

  • Wither lets Mary contribute to fights, and in multiplayer it crucially weakens the enemy for subsequent attacks by other investigators

  • Sixth Sense lets Mary contribute to clue-finding. It lets her replaces , and she occasionally finds clues (or targets the shroud) at a connecting location

  • free actions are very scarce for mystics and guardians, so Safeguard is a no-brainer. Essentially a free movement every turn in multiplayer.

7: A Splash of Situational Cards

  • Stand Together (3) is worth keeping in an opening hand, but there's really never a bad time for this

  • Let Me Handle This saves your low investigator from a treachery they can't handle

  • Radiant Smite (1) is your sole heavy attack, consider saving it for a boss fight

  • Ethereal Slip has a potentially powerful effect on the game state by swapping your location with an enemy. It can relocate a hunter, remove someone blocking an exit, rid an enemy parked on important clues, reel in a cultist with doom, etc

It may be awhile before I get a chance to play this deck, please throw any suggestions in the comments!