Sefina's Dunwich Speed Run (or how to XP without playing)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wjr · 148

SPOILER WARNING for Dunwich Legacy

Dunwich Speed Run

The Dunwich Legacy campaign is infamous for being stingy in terms of dealing experience. It also contains a lot of scenarios with a resign option right on the starting location (5/8 to be exact). These facts lead to an experiment on "how to maximise XP without playing".

Sefina's huge opening hand makes it very likely that you'll see at least one Delve Too Deep, or a Friends in Low Places to search for it. The game plan is:

I-B House Always Wins "This was a bust"

  • +1 XP from resolution

I-A Extracurricular Activity "We can't find Rice anywhere..."

  • + 1 XP from resolution

II The Miskatonic Museum "Eh. How important can a book really be, anyway?"

III The Essex County Express

  • This one you have to actually play (or take Cobol after this scenario and just die quickly..)

IV Blood on the Altar "This is suicide! We're better off hiding out the night"

  • + 2 XP from resolution

V Undimensioned and Unseen You hide from the rampaging creatures

VI Where Doom Awaits & Lost in Time and Space

Enjoy your XP and win.

Theoretical maximum XP before the penultimate scenario (without possible XP from Essex)


Aug 11, 2023 SilverTwilightLodgeJanitor · 7

Hi there, great deck idea! XD

Too bad that achieving the conditions for "Let God sort them out..." seems kinda hard to do here; otherwise, this would make for a great addition to the deck. Cheers, and enjoy (not) playing Dunwich! ^^

Aug 11, 2023 arkham-becons · 57

Very creative! Because the deck does not intend to play the scenario Charon's Obol is less risky than in a more traditional approach. Including Down the Rabbit Hole and Arcane Research could push this approach even further by granting free experience inbetween scenarios.

Aug 11, 2023 wjr · 148

Thanks @SilverTwilightLodgeJanitor and @arkham-becons!

Pulling "Let God sort them out..." would require actually playing, and we don't want that her :D

XP cost reducers could work with a well planned upgrade path (which I did not have when trying this out..)

Aug 11, 2023 HungryColquhoun · 6734

An interesting idea, though naturally it's specialised to the Dunwich campaign.

Isn't "I'm outta here!" a good choice for this deck to expand this beyond Dunwich? It's what first sprang to my mind for a deck which is designed to bail but retain extra XP. Likewise "You handle this one!" can dump off encounter cards in multiplayer from Delve Too Deep. Overall this deck could make for a bit of a hack, if you cross reference this to campaign scenarios which give low XP where resigning doesn't overly negatively impact on a campaign. I mean, there's quite a lot you can do with Sefina with extra XP anyway - so it could be moved beyond being tailor made for a single campaign.

Sep 24, 2023 unremb · 251

Somewhat disappointed that Arcane Research and Down the Rabbit Hole didn't feature here...

wink wink

Sep 24, 2023 wjr · 148

@unremb Good catch! I guess I didn't bother with actual deck design too much..

Oct 13, 2023 PaxCecilia · 404

You might need to be Dexter Drake to really abuse Down the Rabbit Hole and Arcane Research. Great deck idea.