Sly as a Fox (Rex Murphy solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AkaanQ · 1543

Here is a solo deck for Rex Murphy which is by far my favorite investigator. It is doing pretty well through the Dunwich Legacy campaign.

Out of class cards

Rex's ability to get an additional clue is very powerful one. Burglary and Scavenging take advantage of it : with only one action you get a clue, 3 resources and a card. Scavenging may not seem very useful at first but it will become a nice addition later on with Disc of Itzamna.

Fire Axe is here to help when evading is not an efficient option (high agility enemies, hunter enemies and enemies at a central location). And since this deck generates a lot of resources, there is no problem feeding it.

Deck goals and cards

This deck is meant to rush the Act deck and leverage Rex's ability to get an extra clue.

This deck is low on resources and can generate lots of it through the use of Burglary and Dr. Milan Christopher. At first, I didn't include Hyperawareness but I noticed I often had 5+ unused resources at the end of the game so I added it and it helps trigger Rex's ability or succeed at evasions.

Fast events like Shortcut and Working a Hunch help rush the scenario or help with the tempo (see excellent article by unitled).

"I've got a plan!" is here for when you must kick some ass (Ghoul Priest and The Masked Hunter to name a few).

Never used Seeking Answers but I'm curious about this card so I included it for testing purpose. Maybe one day it will save my life !


When upgrading, look no further than Pathfinder. This card is huge. And you can have 2 in play ! As written above, it helps with the tempo and rushing the Act deck. It is a mandatory upgrade.

Then, go for Disc of Itzamna and Magnifying Glass.

I would drop Emergency Cache first, then Old Book of Lore and Seeking Answers or Mind over Matter.


Feb 21, 2017 zozo · 2932

Nice write-up, @AkaanQ, I've been playing Rex solo too so I've been thinking a lot about it. Nice to know what are the key cards here.

Am I right in thinking that Fire Axe is just for the boost, rather than the extra damage, too? The reason I ask is that with Burglary and Milan it's possible to get pretty rich, right, which starts to make it hard to get all your resources dumped so that you get the bonus damage with axe. How've you found that? Of course there's "I've got a plan!" to deal some serious hurt too, so it's not like the axe is your only play. Particularly as you mention using the Disc of Itzamna, that leads me down the 'this deck is mostly evading and only fighting as a last resort' route (as you say...)

Feb 21, 2017 AkaanQ · 1543

@zozoYou're right, Fire Axe is essentially there for the boost since this deck generates a fair amount of resources (hence the inclusion of Hyperawareness). With this deck, you have to jauge your options when it comes to dealing with enemies :

  • Hunting Nightgaunt ? Hard to fight, potentially hard to evade and hunter : better discard it with Disc of Itzamna
  • Swarm of Rats ? Easy to fight and hunter : 1 resource to boost the Fire Axe and you are done
  • Ravenous Ghoul ? Too much health, it would need at least 2 actions and feeding too much resource to the Fire Axe so evading is the best option. This is where Pathfinder shines : evade on first action and you then have 2 actions to finish work at the location (investigate or something) and trigger Pathfinder to get out.

Feb 24, 2017 zozo · 2932

I love this analysis - it's actually been rattling around my brain the last few days. It's exactly spot on: a good seeker knows how to deal with each enemy and what the options are - , disc, , whatever that may be. All about judging the threats and ensuring you have the right answers in hand or on the table.