LoL Sefina

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

XDarkAngelX · 8

Trying out a deck design for Labyrinth of Lunacy standalone in epic mode. Maxxing out on 9 XP based on standalone rules. Lone Wolf might not work out but I'm running the scenario blind and using Streetwise, Think on Your Feet and Elusive I hope to be able to escape enemies and rush ahead to explore locations and investigating them quickly using Lockpicks and Drawn to the Flame.

Shrivelling, Backstab, Sneak Attack, Storm of Spirits and Recharge should provide some fighting power.

"You handle this one!" and Ward of Protection are there to help with managing the encounter deck. My understanding is that there are encounter cards that allow interactions between groups so I'm hoping "You handle this one!" might allow to direct them to the appropriate investigator.