"Sleight-of-Hand" Leo (Multiplayer Focus)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamInvestigator · 294


This deck is designed to get the most out of firearm assets. This is accomplished mostly through 3 ways:

Leo Anderson has high and access to both Guardian and Rogue and can play Venturer at a resource and action discount using his ability, so he seems like the ideal investigator to attempt this sort of strategy. However, this sort of build could also be run out of "Skids" O'Toole, which would offer a little more flexibility at the expense of ally discounts. I think the ally discounts make Leo Anderson a better fit, which is why I'm looking at using him for this one.

Playing The Deck

With Leo Anderson, my mulligan advice is to search for an ally . Any of the 5 allies should be fine - you just want one on the first turn to use it for his ability. After you have at least one ally, your mulligan goal should be for a firearm. Again, any firearm should be sufficient.

The basic idea of this deck is that you shouldn't have to play any of your firearm assets if you have a Sleight of Hand or a Narrow Escape in your hand - you can leave the resources available and only play your weapons when you need them. Sleight of Hand will conserve your ammunition and Narrow Escape will provide a nice +2 to your first fight check that you use with it (something that works well with .41 Derringer). Beat Cop is there to improve the of your attacks, and Venturer is there to refill your ammunition. Mitch Brown lets you run two of these guys, and Calling in Favors helps you pull him out of the deck faster. These cards are expensive, so Emergency Cache and Lone Wolf help make sure you can afford this lifestyle.

The weapons in this deck are exlusively firearms to keep it focused. Machete is good, but it doesn't benefit from this playstyle at all.

Upgrade Paths

These are the cards that you should get for upgrades:


This was more of a concept deck. I'm not sure how it will run just yet since I haven't tried to run it in practice. Definitely interested in feedback and suggestions that might make it more effective.