- Q: Can damage/horror be "moved" to asset cards without health/sanity (e.g. .45 Automatic)? If not, what about asset cards like Relentless that can have damage placed on it? Can the damage/horror "moved" exceed the upper limit of health/sanity of the asset card? A: No, damage/horror can’t be moved to asset cards without health/sanity, similar to how they can’t be dealt or assigned damage/horror. No. Relentless can only have damage placed on it in the manner described by its ability, and can’t have damage moved to it. No. A card will be defeated immediately if the damage/horror moved to it exceeds its health/sanity (August 2023).
Cost: 0.
Unzählig. Schnell.
Spiele Feierliches Versprechen unter die Kontrolle eines anderen Spielers an deinem Ort.
Falls sich der Besitzer von Feierliches Versprechen an deinem Ort befindet, erschöpfe Feierliches Versprechen: Bewege 1 Schaden oder Horror von einer Karte, die du kontrollierst, auf eine Karte, die jener Ermittler kontrolliert.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
With the release of Sister Mary, we see another great use for this card as her Guardian Angel can really benefit from moving damage off of it. As long as your Vowed gator has the cards to receive the damage, the Guardian Angel can even potentially defend future damage that gator would receive, so if played correctly, you and your partner would take damage as normal, but now you're getting double the benefit as you can just constantly proc GAngel's effect over and over again.
I do think that, as more cards come out and more synergies are introduced, this card might be seeing more and more combos just because of the fact that it doesn't limit the kind of cards that are interacting, such as by trait. Not game-breaking, but allows for a lot more creativity.
Weird, but useful.
TL:DR, if tanking is your thing, this is now in your deck. Period.
Edit: By tanking in this review I mean the classical term used for roleplaying and videogames, a character who interposes himself between friends and danger and does everything he can to take on as much pressure and pain as he can handle, so that everybody else might do their jobs in peace.
Certain characters are really good at just, taking pain. That's what they do. They'll even do it intentionally for one reason or another. Obviously the characters I speak off are the + combinations Tommy Muldoon and William Yorick. Leo Anderson can do it too but he's not quite so good at it, those other guys don't care if their soaks die, Leo Anderson cares a lot!
Via beefy allies like Guard Dog, Madame Labranche and cheap soaks like Leather Coat and Cherished Keepsake these guys can take twice as much pain as anybody else and keep coming back for more. They can even leverage it into game advantages by taking on the pain for others, with cards like "Let me handle this!" or Heroic Rescue.
Solemn Vow is the new capstone card to this strategy. The key issue with the other cards is that they only apply when the cards are drawn and enemies attack, raw damage and horror however, those are easy as pie to find, and Solemn Vow makes it possible to just funnel all of that bad stuff onto the tanks and their soaks. You might even have a deck totally dedicated to the funneling and management of damage via soaks and healing, using First Aid and/or Painkillers to move the hurt around and make it go away on a choice soak or heal-able target.
It's fast, it's free, you can adjust the number of copies in case this strategy is important, it has 2 icons so the unused copies double as a defense mechanism for the tank himself.
So yes, Tanking, now a far more viable strategy than ever. Even if the "selfless tank" events we've got already didn't exist Solemn Vow single handedly grants viability to this whole strategy.
The wording is MOVE damage/horror, so if you're playing Daisy Walker with The Necronomicon in play, you could just move horror action-free to the investigator who put Solemn Vow on you. Very niche but it's a nice cheese.
Great card for a supporter to run when you have Dexter Drake in your team. It essentially grants him a free resource and play action. Additionally you might use it to boost Dexter's main ability by committing this card for the double pips.
If you make a solemn vow to Carolyn to give her a piggyback for the rest of the evening while she whispers bible verse in your ears, you will find yourself much refreshed.
The usefulness of this card is limited by the fact you have to be at the same location at the tank or healer, but Safeguard does a ton to offset this. Because it's 0 cost and Fast, it's also a very polite inclusion in your deck, as you don't have to mulligan for it, as you know that most often you can draw it whenever and get it out.
I'm enjoying it a lot in Carolyn, as she likes centralising the party's horror, so she can deal with it on her own terms.
With the recent release of the Winifred Habbamock pack, this card can be added to a combat-oriented rogue / guardian (Skids, Jenny, Leo, Zoey or someone else using Versatile) to be played in combination with Lonnie Ritter and Leather jacket: the fighter play Solemn vow under the control of an other investigator and then this investigator can transfer damage / horror to Leather jacket / Lonnie Ritter respectively and then for 1 resource the fighter heals both his assets.
Funnily enough, the best investigator to place this on might be another Guardian.
It can move damage and horror from any card. That means it can heal your beat cops, guard dogs, Grete Wagner and Agency Backup forever as a free, 0 cost action. Infinite beat cops!
The icons are also fantastic for Well Prepared.
You need a very specific team composition to make this work but I have been loving playing Calvin Wright and playing this on my friend Leo Anderson. The ability to keep all those allies working forever is amazing.
It is a Myriad card that doesn't interact with its other copies unlike most Myriad designs that came in TDE IE box. By including maximum 3 you can place a vow on each player in full 4 players party. Playing on lower player count, more copies let you play multiple stacked on one investigator in order to move more than 1 dmg/horror in a round. You can include just 1 copy to optimize deck space and it still works fine. I find this freedom to choose a quantity a neat design for this one.
So seems like a nice card that can help dealing with lots of damage, I've got three questions and my thoughts on the answers:
Q1) Does it count as "healing" for Carolyn Fern? Carolyn Fern. Clearly its useful for her to more conveniently heal others and get the resources herself, or remove the pain from others when a timing issue is criticial. But... i don't think this counts as "healing" when it comes to triggering her reaction ability, does it? I think it deliberately doesn't use the word heal, you are moving the hurt. It means she can take the horror off somebody close to defeat, but to get the extra resource from healing, she then has to heal herself (or Peter Sylvestre!)
A1) I think not.
Q2) If you have multiple Solemn Vows in play, can you trigger them all at the same time. (say you have some Fine Clothes, can another investigator with two solemn vows trigger them both to do 1 damage and 1 horror to the Fine Clothes, or would the Fine Clothes be defeated after the first trigger?
A2) I think yes you can.
Q3) In conjunction with a cancelling card like Perseverance, can you move the damage/horror from somebody and then stop the damage transferring across to you? Particularly more relevant if you have all three Solemn Vows out at the same time and can cancel 3 damage with Perseverance or Devil's Luck
A3) So long as the effect says you are cancelling the "horror" or "damage", and not the cancelling it being assigned. (because then you would be cancelling the move, so the original investigator would keep it?)
I just realized that this card moves damage and don't heal or damage other cards.
According to the discussion about the Eldritch Sophist and the Archaic Glyphs you should be allowed to move damage to your guardians (or William Yorick ) Relentless for some cash. Especially Mark Harrigan would love the combo due to his ability.
Tommy Muldoon loves this. In a pinch, another investigator can free trigger this to heal some damage/horror, move it on to one of Tommy's allies to kill it, and Tommy can use his ability to take that damage as bullets for Becky. Even better if that ally is Tetsuo Mori, so you get bullets/resources, an item (maybe Becky or Bandolier if you already have Becky out), and your buddy got some healing, all without spending any resources or actions.