
Geist. Doppelt.

Cost: 0.


Als zusätzliche Kosten, um Zur rechten Zeit am falschen Ort zu spielen, gib 1 Aktion aus.

Bewege bis zu 5 Schaden und/oder Horror von deinem Ermittler auf Vorteilskarten, die von Ermittlern an deinem Ort kontrolliert werden. Ziehe 1 Karte für jede Vorteilskarte, dir durch diesen Effekt besiegt wird. Entferne Zur rechten Zeit am falschen Ort aus dem Spiel.

Adam Schumpert
Das Fest von Hemlock Vale (Ermittler-Erweiterung) #115.
Zur rechten Zeit am falschen Ort


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This card seems like an auto-include in every Tommy Muldoon deck from here on out. Two actions for a 5 heal, up to 5 resources and a card or two seems absurdly strong and I can't wait to try it!

In fact, this card has the possibility of doing so much at once in Tommy Muldoon that I can see it freeing up deck slots for other cards, like more upgrades for his dear Becky

Chillstad · 34
I am really looking forward to playing this card soon. My first thought though, went to empowering my teammates shenanigans that benefit with moving around of health and horror. I’m thinking Agnes, Caroline, and the Peter Sylvestre booster club to create an even larger chain effect. — Staticalchemist · 1