


You may commit Contemplative to an investigation or skill test during a parley attempt at your location or a connecting location.

If this test is successful, the performing investigator discovers 1 clue at their location.

David Howey
The Drowned City Investigator Expansion #88.
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Contemplative is just Deduction for Survivor. In exchange for not providing any icons, Contemplative shakes up the formula by being able to commit it to any Investigation or Parley skill tests performed at your location or a connecting location.

Anyone who's ever played with Deduction knows how valuable discovering extra clues can be, but another side benefit of Contemplative being Innate- and Survivor-coded is that Contemplative can be recurred with cards like Resourceful, True Survivor, or Gift of Nodens. That means that assuming you can consistently pass skill checks without any dedications (or just reduce the difficulty of an Investigation or Parley action to 0), Survivor Cluevers can recur Contemplative from their Discard pile every turn and generate a ridiculous amount of clues without cycling their deck.

Telosa · 55
This is not okay. What's more, some gators can run both this AND Deduction. — AlderSign · 309