Super Cluever Marie Lambeau

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Marie Cluebeau 0 0 0 1.0
Super Cluebeau 2,0 1 1 0 2.0

PaulAltreides · 40

This is my first pass at designing a heavy Cluever Marie, ideally run alongside a pure monster killer like Yorick, or Leo.

The idea with this deck is to leverage Marie's strengths as much as possible, first by utilizing both of her main stats with static skill boosts from the Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, St. Hubert's Key, Alyssa Graham, and David Renfield. Her allies are chosen to leverage her investigator ability, and ideally you will be able to use Alyssa to avoid the Baron and use David to pay for your cards -- Charisma is the #1 priority upgrade in this deck, followed closely by Blood Pact for more doom-play, and then the Archaic Glyphs.

Another one of Marie's strengths that this deck seeks to leverage is her access to the clue-accelerators from two classes. In an ideal set-up, Marie will be have access to the upgraded Archaic Glyphs,Rite of Seeking, Fingerprint Kit, and Deduction, for as many two-clue actions as possible.

So, my questions regarding this deck are: is omitting Arcane Initiate in favor of Alyssa Graham a mistake? Are there enough spells in this deck to be able to utilize Marie's investigator ability at least once every turn? Are Mists of R'lyeh or Calling in Favors needed in this deck?


Aug 08, 2019 Cyggie · 7

I'm trying a similar build, but focusing on Knowledge is Power and eventually upgrading into De Vermis Mysteriis.

I think the fact that Marie can run Occult Lexicon (and even Hallowed Mirror) should not be overlooked. Using Initiates to find your Blood-Rites and then using them to dig deeper in your deck on your fourth action seems powerful! The utility of having extra damage or money generation seems useful too.

Aug 08, 2019 Cyggie · 7

Are you planning on getting Arcane Insight with your build? Seems like it could work really well with Archaic Glyphs?

Aug 13, 2019 smallbird · 21

This deck is rather expensive. I know you can grab a lot of resources using Renfield but you really really should do so when you can get rid of him or the doom. Meaning you either have to have Moonlight Ritual on hand or Alyssa and Alyssa costs 4 resources. You must also afford to set up Shrivelling, Camera, Key and Rite. If you don't have a single Uncage the Soul to spend that's 13 resources. Arcane Initiate can help you dig for both Moonlight Ritual and Uncage the Soul to help reduce the strain on resources. Scrying could be an alternative to check for Baron if you are paired with a true fighter and stick close so you don't need to Shrivel or just play it after Scrying is empty.

Jun 21, 2020 FantasyMan · 14

Late to the party here I know but I’m looking at putting my Marie deck together. Arcane Initiate does not go adiggin’ for Uncage the Soul. It’s a spirit card and nothing else. I know! It looks like a spell, smells like a spell and plays like a spell doing spelly things. But it ain’t a spell. Even reading the card ten times you still think it must be. But it is isn’t.

Nov 27, 2020 VanyelAshke · 176

I'm curious to hear your experience of Archaic Glyphs in Marie. I've seen some discussions of players believing it's very good. I'm not sure, based on this math:

If you get 2x Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, both with 2 tokens on them, Marie becomes 6 / 6. Add in St. Hubert's Key, she becomes 7 / 7.

Alternatively, if you want to be guaranteed the Intellect boost immediately, then Magnifying Glass is also available. Paired with St. Hubert's Key, then Marie's stats are 5 / 7.

Archaic Glyphs requires you to over succeed by 2 for every extra clue. At a 3 shroud location, playing on Standard, here is the math:
To break it down: for Archaic Glyphs to give Marie extra clues at a shroud 3 location, if she is at 7:

  • pulled "+1" or "0" token = 3 total clues (2 extra from over-success)
  • pulled "-1" or "-2" token = 2 total clues (1 extra from over-success)
  • pulled "-3" or "-4" token = 1 total clue (0 extra from over-success)
  • pulled "-5" or worse token = 0 total clues

Using the Dunwich Legacy chaos bag, for example, there is 1 token that will make you fail the test, and there are 2 that will make you only get 1 clue. So approximately 20% of the bag (3/15) makes an Archaic Glyphs test not produce extra clues. As the campaign goes on and the tokens can reach -3 or worse territory. So depending on the scenario, 20% (3/15) can become 34% (5/15) or 40% (6/15).

So, after this breakdown, I'm back at asking myself: "Is Archaic Glyphs in Marie Lambeau deck worth it, at the cost of investing card slots to boost her Intellect to 7 while also trying to manage her Willpower to be strong? Why jump through these hoops?"

I understand that to ignore her 4 and playing her as a regular Mystic would be a waste; it would be better to play anyone else. And that's kinda my point/question.

Your input is appreciated. Thank you.