Carolyn Fern, Codependent Therapist

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Carolyn Fern, Dedicated Healer (multiplayer only) 28 23 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Doble_N · 14

This is a deck built for healing and supporting (helping to find cards herself or others), specially useful when she travels with a god-killer buddy. In order turn her more useful, she has some clue finding cards like Deducción or Lupa.

The first controversial point was to not add Foolishness, even if it's boost is amazing, the To Fight the Black Wind with the Debilidad básica aleatoria and Pensamiento racional increase the chance of dealing weaknesses over the game and I decided to minimize this obstracles.

This deck can be focused on higher supporting than average clue finder with:

Some alternatives that could be interesting in the very previous built, are:


First stepts on upgrader should be:

Latest upgrades, the final movements of the deck: