William Yorick: This Play is Garbage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CuttlefishBeyondTheStars · 80

The second deck I built myself, a Garbage Survivor for a blind playthrough Carcosa campaign

Post campaign thoughts: I am VERY proud of this deck! It worked well and was great fun to play.

Timeworn Brand was a great first upgrade, no regrets. It made my violence much more reliable, and it could hit geists that I'd had to rely on my partner to deal with in the first scenario.

Upgrading Lucky! was a mistake, though. Especially with Cornered, I didn't really fail tests, especially in a way Lucky would help with. YMMV with difficulty as my experience is on Standard. I should have just taken Well Prepared to start; this deck gets out so many assets. I immediately got rid of Lucky (2) in favor of Well Prepared and I should have just done that at the start.

I kept Scrounge for Supplies for a long time because it was the way to recur Vicious Blow. Luckily I got my Chainsaw and Brute Force drawn and didn't really miss it in the last scenario. Flare on the other hand never got used. I still think it was a good exile card to upgrade to for the last scenario, but I needed more resources for assets and for setting up Cornered and Well Prepared when I drew them late.

When I drew the Elder Sign, Resourceful was the biggest thing I tried to pull back, since that gets more cards later. Or higher level Guardian cards, which also couldn't recur another way.

Police Badge was great, even though I kept forgetting it also gave me bonus will. Relic Hunter was nice to have that and also horror soak, and I probably could have taken it earlier. Having the extra two actions to go punch an enemy, or to deal with a weakness (Internal Injury was my random weakness) was very helpful.