Carson Sinclair Support + Clues (Deck Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3093

This is a deck attempt for Carson Sinclair that tries to make use of the qualities of this investigator while mitigating his weak spots by offering support to the team in various ways and getting clues in any way he can.

The deck has 3 main components:

  1. Mitigating Treacheries
  2. Tanking for the team
  3. Getting Clues

Let's talk about the deck and these components:

As you probably noticed, this is a 40-card deck that runs 2 copies of Crystallizer of Dreams, which is available to us due to running 2x Versatile. Crystallizer of Dreams is a main component which helps get clues and mitigate treacheries, as most of our events have and icons. The big decksize we end up with for wanting to run 2x Crystallizer of Dreams is mitigated by numerous cards in our deck that offer card draw or search.

The team-tanking is done with Obsidian Bracelet, Solemn Vow and Spiritual Resolve mostly, but our Tetsuo Mori will also be eager to take a hit or two, since we mostly want him for his ability to search for items and especially Crystallizer of Dreams.

For clues, early on, we probably want to take them testless with our various events, then once we get Field Agent and Crystallizer of Dreams on the board, we can start investigating, and utilize those events' icons for skill boosts. Flashlight also helps, no introductions needed.

Playing the Deck

First, I need to say that this is a big deck, so it needs special treatment. We won't be playing the way we play other investigators, which also goes on par with Carson Sinclair's qualities.

We mulligan for assets. We stick with our fighter. Safeguard helps with that. Whenever we have an action to spare, we draw. We need to find our tools. Early in the game we get clues testless with our events, unless we have the Crystallizer.

Later in the game, when we will have our assets down, we start investigating and get clues the way we described above and we generally help our teammates in any way we can.

Other Notes

Don't worry about Guardian of the Crystallizer. It enters play exhausted and it's easy prey for your fighter, who will probably be with you most of the time.

Your main task will be to give actions to your teammates. That's the main thing Carson needs to do. Then, if you have actions to spare, you can do other things.


Upgrading is tricky. The big decksize can screw us if we get it at the wrong time so we need to be very selective with upgrades and get Versatile at the right time.

You start off with Stirring Up Trouble and (optinally) 1 copy of Ever Vigilant (as you can see in the starting deck) as your first XP cards offered by In the Thick of It. My recommendation is to get first Field Agent, then Versatile x2 so that you instantly get 2 copies of Crystallizer of Dreams in your deck and immediately after that upgrade Stand Together, then get the rest of the upgrades. Backpack can help you with consistency before upgrading to the final deck.


  • I'm pretty sure I would run Bestow Resolve if the had slots to spare. It's just such a good card for Carson Sinclair.

  • The Red-Gloved Man is great for this deck if you have the XP to spare. It can help with investigating or when there is the need to evade an enemy and it can be good even for treachery mitigation.

  • Forewarned is another option if you don't like getting hit by treacheries. Not recommended though, since the deck concept is tanking treacheries, not avoiding them.

Anyways, that's about it. Thanks for reading this far and if you like, leave a comment below to tell me what you think of Carson Sinclair as an investigator and how you think this deck suits him.


Jul 17, 2023 Dimerson · 8

Now that was an incredible analysis! The first time I saw Carson I immediately started to think about a deck arround him, but his traits prevent him so hard of being a active investigator. It makes perfect sense using him as 100% support for others gators. Thank you very much for that list. I saw a comment where someone told that survivor class would fit Carson better, but in my opinion Seeker is the perfect second class for him too. Specially when it can give cards for other investigators.