"Ashcan" Pete on the Road fighter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gyrjsrla · 31

Parallel Pete deck using his ability to reuse On the Hunt over and over again, and spending resources on Scrapper and Dig Deep

Meat Cleaver seamed to be the best weapon because of Pete's Guitar's horror heal.

Noticeable interactions include spawning monsters using On the Hunt, hitting them until they are at 1 health, attatching Grievous Wound, moving them with the guitar, and they can't hurt back because of Barricade or Hiding Spot.

Makeshift Trap can be upgraded to deal further non-test damage.

Grete Wagner provides a good amount of clues with Bandages, which can be reused with Resourceful.


Dec 07, 2023 nonobstant · 11

Nice approach, shouldn't you have Duke and Wracked by Nightmares?