Schatulle des Konzils
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Cost: 0. XP: 2.


Anwendungen (1 Schlösser). Falls sich keine Schlösser mehr auf der Schatulle des Konzils befinden, durchsucht jeder Ermittler sein Deck oder Ablagestapel nach einer beliebigen Karte und spielt sie sofort, ohne ihre Kosten zu zahlen. Schicke die Schatulle des Konzils ins Exil. (Max. 1 Mal pro Kampagne.)

: Lege eine beliebige Fertigkeitsprobe (5) ab. Falls die Probe gelingt, entferne 1 Schloss. Jeder Ermittler an deinem Ort darf diese Fähigkeit aktivieren.

Kartenentwurf von The Council bei den Arkham Nights 2017.

Mauro Dal Bo
Für das große Ganze #196.
Schatulle des Konzils


No faqs yet for this card.


Tricky card to use but here's some tricks to execute the super tutor on demand.

Raw power it via an exploited main stat, for example:

Once you and your friends get the box halfway done, force the last bit right when you need it with:

And now you just sit back and dig out all your most overpowered stuff and play it free.

I don't know if this can be described as a good card. It's real meme-y with the 1/campaign trigger, huge cost in actions. But the payoff can mean a free tutored Agency Backup, Rite of Seeking, Ace in the Hole, Key of Ys or whatever other card might be critically important at that moment.

Tsuruki23 · 2558
I don't get the part about Leo or Quick Thinking. The Coffer comes in play with just 1 lock, surely you can't remove two of them and benefit twice from the reaction... ? — Freeman · 5
It comes into play with one per investigator locks. Will to Survive would allow you to remove a lock without drawing a chaos token, and because it's until end of turn, Leo would let you perform this action twice. — cb42 · 38
Oh yeah, used to solo play, I missed the "per player" part, now it makes sense, thanks! — Freeman · 5

Don't play with Mandy on your team, because her weakness cancels the search. (For some reason a review must be 200 characters or more. So you didn't need to read this, but I had to write it. You can stop reading now. I'm serious, it's not necessary.)

Well, only if she hasn't already triggered her weakness, which is ridiculously easy to do turn before turn 3. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
With Mandy's reaction ability, one investigator may play 2 cards without cost. Also, Mandy can avoid canceling by searching her 'discard pile'. — elkeinkrad · 499
If you play Mandy you have much more efficient ways to search decks for cards anyways, this is just a waste of XP and actions. — PowLee · 15
Has anyone played this and been happy with the result? I can see it being a kind of fun puzzle quest, but you'd want to save it for later scenarios to get out high-cost cards fast and free, but then yiou risk not finding it or having the actions to activate it.... — LivefromBenefitSt · 1073
I’ve never run it, but honestly I just find it extraordinarily boring from a flavor perspective. — Death by Chocolate · 1487
Yeah I'm not at all saying this is anywhere close to a decent card- the amount it asks of you and the amount it returns are very disproportionate. Tutoring is really powerful in some card games where card draw is more limited and decks are larger, but it's not uncommon to see your entire deck in a given scenario of Arkham. So... I don't get what the point of this card is either. But, if you did want to run it, Mandy is probably the best case scenario since you can have someone grab 2 things instead of 1. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
OK, Styx, that is Grade A jankery right there — LivefromBenefitSt · 1073

I wonder how Haste works with The Council's Coffer. You activate two which activates the of Haste. At this point, you can take another . Let suppose that we are in a typical 3-actions-per-round situation for our investigator. My question is: can you use your third action in addition to the allowed by the effect of Hasteto activate The Council's Coffer effect again? It would mean : First action = / Second action = / = again / Third action = .

Tirindor · 7
Actually Haste wouldn't work here, the second Action is part of the cost, so you actually do an "Activate" action once, that costs you 2 actions. If you have 4 actions let's say with Leo de Luca, you would be able to play this twice and then haste would give you an extra Activate action, which wouldn't be enough to trigger a third skill. I hope it's clear, I gave it my all ahah — Valentin1331 · 74980
I understood, thank you again! The key is to understand that the action "activate", even if it costs two actions, is only one action from the beginning. It is still weird in my mind but I think I understood :) — Tirindor · 7
But Leo and Lvl 2 clock, or lvl 5 clock could be used with Haste for this. — dkilkay · 4
@tirindor it's the same reason why you only get one attack of opportunity when activating a double arrow one. — Pixelated · 1
You could add another action to Haste using Leo de Luca, Borrowed Time, The Red Clock, Quick Thinking, Swift Reflexes or Skids ability. — RFreitas · 57