Norman Withers to the Dreamlands

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamInvestigator · 294

This is a Norman Withers deck designed for a multiplayer blind run into the "Dreamlands" side of the Dream Eaters campaign.

Arcane Research is not normally a popular choice for Norman, but I think it is still helpful for him. It allows him to boost Shrivelling more quickly (which is an important combat option for him) and Deny Existence (which helps him survive damage) - as these spells get leveled up, he can spend one experience point to switch in other level 0 Mystic cards, which he would probably have to do eventually anyway, so the bonus experience from Arcane Research helps with that. Losing 2 slots hurts a bit, but I think it is worth the experience gain in the long haul.

Norman has 2 main shortcomings. He is not good at taking physical damage, and he is not good with combat checks.

For combat options, Norman is using: -Mind over Matter -"I've got a plan!" -Shrivelling

As Norman is not expected to be the primary combat specialist in this scenario, these options should be just enough to get himself out of tight spots.

For managing physical damage, Norman has: -Painkillers -Deny Existence

These should allow him to perservere through most physical damage situations. With a of 1, he's not going to be passing any tests, so I try to account for that.

Norman's strengths are his high and . To capitalize on his cluefinding abilities, I've included the following cards: -Magnifying Glass -Hawk-Eye Folding Camera -Dr. Milan Christopher

These are the cards that he should mulligan for, since they will help set him up to start getting clues. Hawk-Eye Folding Camera doesn't immedately provide returns for the investment, but Norman's of 5 should allow him to clear a few locations of clues.

For economy, Norman has: -Emergency Cache -Crack the Case -Dr. Milan Christopher

Norman tends to favor non-skill cards due to his ability, so he's always going to want to be paying to play things, and these economy card will keep him in the money as much as possible.

I don't think it's worth it to run 0 skill cards in Norman, since he will need them for critical tests. I picked what I considered to be the best ones for him - Inquiring Mind for pure power, Eureka! for extra draw, and Guts to help shore up Shrivelling tests.

With these tools, hopefully Norman Withers will have what he needs to brave the Dreamlands.