Daisy Walker NoTZ solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pleaseshootme · 14

Testing out a Daisy solo deck for NOTZ that requires 2 cores. 1st Scenario was pretty easy, managed to clear all acts without any issue. Old book of Lore is key to finding the pieces needed such as Shrivelling, Blinding Light, Mind over Matter and various skill tests. Research Librarian is perfect for finding Old Book of Lore within the first turn. If you are unable to get either a Librarian or a Old Book of Lore in your opening hand, just mulligan to you get one of them and you can pretty much get the pieces you need to clear the act.

Cutting the Holy Rosary after the first scenario as it really didn't do anything for me. Not sure if cutting 1 Shrivelling is a good idea but I find myself not really being able to maximise its potential with just 3 willpower. I think Encyclopedia is just a great tome to have as it helps so much in skill checks. The Disc of Itzamna is just insurance in the event I face a non-elite in later scenarios that I can't get rid off.