Zoey the Invincible! (standalone)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nenananas · 250

Zoey the Invincible!

Concept is simple: get Armor of Ardennes and Lonnie Ritter into play, earn some resources as Zoey, and become invincible!

It is not all too important to get these out in the first few turns; as long as you're not dead, you can always draw and put them into play later. So if you drew both Lonnie and Tetsuo Mori, consider putting the later into play first.

Astounding Revelation triggers from Stick to the Plan which makes sure you can basically always pay for all assets with Ever Vigilant on your first turn.


  • Stick to the Plan
  • Astounding Revelation
  • Prepared for the Worst
  • Ever Vigilant
  • Tetsuo Mori

I stick Dynamite Blast to the plan as 3rd target, but really, you can pick anything

Action compression

  • Weapons
  • Zoey's Cross
  • Safeguard
  • "Let me handle this!"
  • Counterpunch
  • Dynamite Blast
  • Spectral Razor
  • Taunt
  • Vicious Blow

"Let me handle this!" can be used to save time by drawing enemies from far away investigators or just taking a Treachery that's especially nasty for a specific player

Stat boosts

  • Weapons
  • Lonnie Ritter
  • Ace of Swords
  • Reliable

Encounter protection

  • Armor of Ardennes
  • Allies
  • Take the Initiative

Card draw

  • Glory
  • Taunt

Resource gain

  • Zoey

Of course, decks work a bit more nuanced than the categories above, but this is a quick and easy overview. Think there's too much of one thing and too little of another? You can always change it up a bit!


Nov 29, 2020 Lord Triloth · 1947

I've been thinking about the Lonnie + Armor combo for a while and I like equal minded.

This is a deck idea you can take in many different directions, including a full-tank-theory also adding Flesh Ward and Hallowed Mirror, but at some point you need to decide when to just add cards that tank, instead of cards that help you defeat enemies.

This is a deck that can be taken in many different directions. There's a few things I'd like to hear your opinion on though: The first one is Well Prepared for some of the other passive boosts, giving you both encounter protection and attack boost from your Armor. Another option is to profit from your infinite healing with Solemn Vow, to take damage and horror away from your team mates. Then there's Steadfast instead of Take the Initiative, which is quite a obvious choice for this deck in my opinion. Finally, there's the new Riot Whistle that gives Zoey a free engage and resource every turn as long as there's enemies.

Nov 29, 2020 Nenananas · 250

@Lord Triloththanks for your comment!

I think Flesh Ward is a bit too expensive and we don't really need it. Hallowed Mirror is good but again I think not necessary once we have the combo set up, and it competes with the all-powerful Zoey's Cross.

Well Prepared is definitely a good suggestion though and I can't believe I missed it! I would remove a Counterpunch and/or a Taunt for it because this deck could definitely use a little bit more Stat boosts, and it also doubles as role as additional encounter protection.

In my first draft I played Steadfast as well but I dropped it because I thought Take the Initiative would be enough. I prefer Take the Initiative because it can also be used for the occasional Agility test and I think it's a bit more reliable but Steadfast could work just as well.

I'm not familiar with with Riot Whistle as I only touch the new expansions once the cycle is complete.

Nov 29, 2020 Nenananas · 250

Oops, skipped Solemn Vow! It could definitely work although it's a bit of a dead card early on. I would probably remove "Let me handle this!" or Tension Mori but removing the later could hurt your early game survivability.

Nov 29, 2020 Nenananas · 250

Tetsuo Mori*, damn autocorrect ;P

Dec 05, 2020 Susumu · 359

Wouldn't Blood Eclipse (3) or (1) fit nice in this deck?

Dec 05, 2020 Nenananas · 250

@Susumu I think LV 3 Blood Eclipse is too XP intensive but LV 1 could definitely work, although I feel like Spectral Razor is almost inherently better. I'd probably remove Taunt or Counterpunch and also add Well Prepared as suggested earlier by @Lord Triloth to make sure it hits.

Jan 10, 2021 bnjmnddd · 7

Just wanted to say I played this deck (built it for my friend to play and only played first scenario) and MAN, she is so good. I played Min and I didn't deal with an enemy the entire game. For the starter I added a .32 Colt, 2x .45 Automatic and 1 more Survival Knife, then 2x Handcuffs just because (probably could find better card than that) like the Safeguard you already have lol.

"Let me handle this!" was GREAT. and I added On the Hunt which was great for early to start thinning out bad guys.

Didn't even get to play with the meat of the deck but you could see how good it would be. She ended up with 6 damage and ZERO horror because lonnie took it all and healed it.

Going to modify the deck and try to add the neutral Trench Coat which could serve as an early card to upgrade to the Armor of Ardennes

Great deck! Loved it!

Jan 10, 2021 Nenananas · 250

@bnjmndddthanks so much for your comment :) it means a lot to me that there are actual people using this deck for inspiration.

More weapons is definitely a good choice. I like being risky sometimes and in this deck I hope to draw Machete early because it's infinite ammo, but most decks I usually go for more guns.

Glad "Let me handle this!" worked well for you! It's a bit hit and miss for me sometimes, but Zoey's high will pushed me over the edge to include it.

And yes, this deck definitely doesn't need the meat; it's just the cherry on the top. Most important is having the weapon (as is always the case with Guardians), but that's why we play Tetsuo Mori and Prepared for the Worst.

Note however that since this deck got posted, we got more clarity on Lonnie Ritter (see the FAQ on her card page) and unfortunately she isn't as strong as I originally thought :( . She can only heal horror if she has something to heal (it can't be just any item).

So the one-off Armor of Ardennes might not be enough to get her to start healing horror. Trench Coat could indeed be used as an early replacement.

Jan 10, 2021 bnjmnddd · 7

Interesting! Definitely played it wrong then (didn’t see the FAQ). Going to try it with Trench Coat and see how well it does.

To me all the FAQ does is change the play style and prioritize enemies that deal only horror as “must kill ASAP”. Spend all your actions to do that since you can take the blow from a damage dealer and heal next round.

Still I think this really takes Zoey into a great place since if you are going to be the person to deal with ALL the enemies, regenerating soak makes you so much better at it.