"Ashcan" Pete's TedTalk: Never On Your Own.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lemilissa · 308

Welcome to "Ashcan" Pete's TedTalk about never being On Your Own when you have pets.

If you are anything like me then you are addicted to pets. You see your pets as a partner for life, including in all your investigations. That is why, in this deck I am going to show you how to implement this life-style in this magnificent game:

Step 1: Get a dog.

Step 2: Profit.

ANYWAY, I had so much fun making my previous Stella Clark Cluever guide that I HAD to make my second favorite survivor cluever guide, so here goes nothing.

I always had a really, really hard time playing Duke (let's be real, Duke is the star here). I loved the investigator and everything about it, but just couldn't make it work, untill I started thinking of the dynamic duo differently. Duke and Pete are opposites of each other, Pete is not fearful and runs very fast, while Duke is very good boi that bites hard and smells clues like a hero. As such, they should be treated differently. Duke and Pete should have their own cards and their own possibilities and actually it is Pete who is enhancing Duke, not the other way around. When you play any investigator, you want to work around an enhance their best stats. This deck is build so that both Pete and Duke have the cards to enhance each on their own, and some work very well together.

The core cards that you want to have out here are Magnifying Glass (both), Moonstone, Fieldwork (Both) and Track Shoes.

Magnifying Glass is for Duke, having both out puts Duke at a base of 6 which is really damn good!

Moonstone is for Pete, that'll put him on 5 willpower and 4 agility.

Fieldwork and Track Shoes is where we can pull off the great combo. First of all, Track Shoes puts Pete on a base of 5 agility, which is already great. But the great synergy is with Duke's Investigate action comes in practice. Let me picture a few scenarios for you:

1: Duke can move before investigating, and Track Shoes allow you to move an additional time if Pete passes his agility test (to which he's up by 2 by default if he has the Moonstone out as well). This means that with 1 action, Duke and Pete together allow you to move twice and investigate. Let me tell you, that is disgusteeng.

2: The fun part is when you have 2 locations, let's say both shroud 4, connected to each other. Duke will jump around for you from one to the other with his ability to move before investigating, abusing Fieldwork like a ping pong game.

3: You have 1 location on shroud 6 (like when Innsmouth is oh so generous with it's keys). You are on the location, let Duke move and investigate to a connected location, but then use Track Shoes to jump back to the 6 shroud location to trigger Fieldwork and you are up by 2 in no time. Though to pull this off you gotta pass 2 tests (Track Shoes test and investigation test) so make sure you only do this to show off.

The events in this deck make sure you can pass any other tests, like when Duke is tired and you can't ready him anymore. Those cards can also be used to discard and give Duke his energy treat. These events are lots of fun to play and work especially well with this deck that works for everything, but the problem is that they are very expensive. That is where On Your Own comes in. Pete has Duke and Duke has Pete, they don't need anyone else and will most likely survive all dangers when having cards like Will to Survive to pass dangerous tests. I haven't found an Ally where I thought "Yep! That's the one!" since they only really need each other. On your Own allows you to have a discount on those expensive events. So it became my MUST BUY first, together with Nothing Left to Lose which allows Pete to have more energy snacks (cards to discard) for Dukey boy when you get into a pickle.

What I always also upgrade third is Lucky!(2) because then it also gives you a card draw (those are much needed in this deck). Resourceful, Take Heart and Perception are great for this as well, the Manual Dexterity is for when you really wanna pass that Track Shoes test.

I hope you love this deck as much as I do, let me know what you think in the comments!

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk