Bob "Highlander" Jenkins

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wjr · 142

Had a silly idea, and to my surprise - it kinda worked! Ran the deck through true-solo Innsmouth on standard and got all to way to a win (had to retry one scenario to be honest).

Slim your deck with Underworld Support and throw a lot of it away with Short Supply. Get stuff back with Scavenging, Scrounge for Supplies, Resourceful and as a backup, Professor William Webb. Pay for all of it with Schoffner's Catalogue, Faustian Bargain and Emergency Cache.

The deck is really good at not dying thanks to a lot of soak and Lonnie Ritter, it hanldes cluevering quite well, and seemed to just barely manage with enemies.
